CUAP secures 32nd spot in IIRF ranking

Anantapur: Central University of Andhra Pradesh (CUAP) has reached 32nd spot in IIRF (Indian Institutional Ranking Framework) ranking 2024. The ranking is based on seven significant criteria, which includes placement performance, teaching learning resource & pedagogy, research etc. The university is working to achieve its goal of becoming one among the top ten central universities … Read more

Anantapur: Students demand scrapping of NEET

Anantapur: The federation of student unions have joined the nation-wide bandh on Thursday demanding scrapping of NEET examination and also the NTA, which conducted the examination. Student leaders demanded that AP Assembly should pass a resolution in support of the nation-wide demand for scrapping of the examination, because of paper leakage. NSUI State general secretary … Read more

‘Transfer of power throws higher edu into crisis in State’

Anantapur : Severe crisis plaguing higher education sector in the State universities, which are facing issues like shortage of teaching staff and administrative mismanagement. With the change of the government, several Vice-Chancellors, Registrars, Rectors and Directors have resigned or taken prolonged leave, leaving the universities without key leadership, at a time when the academic calendar … Read more

Health Minister takes part in Doctors’ Day celebrations

Anantapur: Health Minister Satya Kumar Yadav attended the Doctors’ Day celebrations organised under the auspices of IMA. Speaking on this occasion, he said that the medical sector in the country will move forward with progressive policies. District Collector Vinod Kumar, Zilla Parishad CEO Nadia, IMA State leaders Prasad Reddy, Subbareddy, Devi Medical College Principal Manikyal … Read more

HLC modernisation neglected for 2 decades

Anantapur: All eyes are on the newly formed TDP government, expecting it to bring the HLC project to its logical completion. The lethargy of rulers of AP is glaring, because 100 km canal modernisation was completed on Karnataka side, but from AP side, 100 km canal is not completed, dragging the project for nearly 20 … Read more