QUENTIN LETTS: So out of place in a rural Oxfordshire tractor barn, Keir Starmer has that accountant in a brothel look

To a tractor barn in rural Oxfordshire with that muddy-fingernailed son of cowpat country Sir Keir Starmer. Visiting Heath Farm, Swerford, the Labour leader wore black shirt, black trousers, black jacket and polished black shoes.  That may make him sound like Lee Van Cleef in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly but in fact … Read more

Lionesses captain Leah Williamson says she doesn’t earn enough to retire and is studying to become an accountant as a backup plan – while men’s team could receive £14m bonus for Euros win

Lionesses captain Leah Williamson has revealed she doesn’t earn enough to retire from her footballing career.  The Milton Keynes-born midfielder, who plays for Arsenal, has continued her accountancy studies in case she needs something to ‘fall back on’.  Williamson captained the women’s squad that won the European championships in 2022, triumphing over Germany – and … Read more