Syed Ismail Afaq, a homeopathic doctor from Patkal in Karnataka, was arrested nine years ago. He is accused of supplying explosives to Indian Mujahideen. Nine years after his arrest, a court convicted him of being a member of a terrorist organization. A special court for terrorism cases in Bengaluru on Monday found the doctor guilty on charges of participating in a terrorist organization.
Based on inputs from security agencies, Dr. Syed Ismail Afaq (43) was arrested by Bengaluru police on January 8, 2015, on charges of supplying ammonium nitrate to Indian Mujahideen. This terrorist organization caused bombings in many places in India between 2006 and 2013. More than 200 people died in these incidents.
Afaq has been the leader of the Popular Front of India
Afaq was also the leader of the Patkal Indian Popular Front. The special court on Monday found him a member of a terrorist organization. Apart from Afaq, two of his associates, Abdul Subur and Saddam Hussein, were also convicted under the Unlawful Activities and Explosives Act. They are all residents of Bhatkal.
Riyaz Ahmed Sayeedi acquitted of all charges
However, all three were acquitted under Section 16 of the UAPA. The court acknowledged that the three men were not directly involved in any explosions. Another accused, Riyaz Ahmed Sayeedi, is accused of acting as an intermediary between Indian Mujahideen and explosives supply groups. He has been acquitted.
The court will pronounce the verdict on December 18
The court is scheduled to hear the punishment of the defendant on December 18. Let us tell you that this homeopathic doctor and his associates were arrested after the 2013 Dilsukhnagar blast in Hyderabad. 17 people were killed in the explosion. Yasin Bhatkar, the main accused in the Nepal border bombing case, was arrested.