September 21: Once upon a time, it was an independent country… and this is how it became a part of India, know the story of Manipur

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September 21 is a special day for Manipur, a state in northeastern India. The recent situation in Manipur, whatever is happening there. In this context, today we will talk about a lesser-known interesting story in the history of Manipur. Because Manipur, which was once an independent state, became a part of India on this day.

The story of Manipur’s integration with India begins in 1947. When the British left Manipur, the rule of Manipur fell into the hands of King Bodhichandra. On September 21, 1949, Manipur signed a merger treaty with India. Thereafter, Manipur became a part of India from October 15, 1949.

Manipur was earlier a union territory
When the Constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950, it joined the Union of India as a Part ‘C’ state under the Chief Commissioner. Later, a Regional Council was formed consisting of 30 elected members and two nominated members. Thereafter, in 1962, a Parliament consisting of 30 elected members and three nominated members was formed under the Union Territories Act.

In 1972, the country was fully established
From December 19, 1969, the position of the Chief Executive was upgraded from Chief Commissioner to Lieutenant Governor. On January 21, 1972, Manipur was granted full statehood and a 60-member parliament was formed. Thus, Manipur became a state of India.

History of Manipur
The recorded history of Manipur begins in 33 AD. The story of the dynasty here begins with the coronation of Pakanba in 33 AD. He was the first ruler here and ruled for 120 years (33-154 AD). After this, many kings ruled Manipur. Later, Maharaj Kiyamba of Manipur ruled this place in 1467, Khagemba ruled this place in 1597, Charairomba ruled in 1698, Garibniwaz ruled in 1714, Bhagya Chandra (Jaisingh) ruled in 1763, and Gambhir Singh ruled in 1825. These kings ruled and protected the borders of Manipur.

Manipur came under British rule in the late 19th century.
Manipur’s independence and sovereignty lasted till the early 19th century. After that, the Burmese occupied the place for seven years (1819-1825). The Battle of Khongjom (Anglo-Manipuri War) took place on April 24, 1891. Here, Pauna Brajbasi, a brave warrior of Manipur, was martyred in a battle with the British. Thus, Manipur came under British rule in 1891 and became independent along with the rest of the country in 1947.

Also Read: September 20: The Last Day of Mughal Empire in India… The British arrested the last emperor.

Manipur has many names
The naming of Manipur shows that it is associated with mythological stories. From the facts available, in ancient times, Manipur was called by different names by its neighbours. Among them, the Burmese called it “Kathe”, the Assamese called it “Mowgli”, “Mikli” etc. History also shows that Manipur was also known as Maitrabak, Kanlaipun or Ponthokalam etc.

Also read: September 19: Today’s story is about a great woman who considered space her second home.

Other major events

Malta gained independence from the United Kingdom on 21 September 1964.

On September 21, 1985, North Korea and South Korea opened their borders to allow family reunions.

On September 21, 1991, Armenia gained independence from the Soviet Union.

On September 21, 2004, the United States lifted its economic sanctions on Libya.

On September 21, 2011, scientists led by Australian universities discovered 16 genes related to high blood pressure.

On September 21, 1979, the so-called Emperor Bokassa of the Central African Republic was deposed in a military revolution.

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