Seeing Stars When You Close Your Eye? Study Explains Why

Seeing Stars When You Close Your Eye? Study Explains Why

These visual phenomena, known as phosphenes, can occur due to gentle pressure on the eyelids.

Have you ever closed your eyes and seen swirling patterns or flashes of light? Fear not; these aren’t hallucinations. According to NHS doctor Dr Sermed Mezher, these visual experiences are perfectly normal, especially for children. In a recent Instagram post, Dr Mezher explained the science behind these “weird sensations” and revealed there are a couple of reasons why they occur.

He said, “75% of people saw these lights when going to sleep as a child. Some people describe them as colours and patterns, floating stars or planets, and others as distant galaxies. Scientists aren’t exactly sure what causes them, but there are three prevailing theories on how they might happen.”

“Phosphenes are the visual sensations of light that occur without light actually entering the eye. These fascinating visual phenomena are typically experienced when gently pressing on closed eyelids, during moments of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, or due to sudden changes in light exposure. For many, the memory of encountering phosphenes is overwhelmingly positive and evokes a sense of nostalgia,” he wrote in the caption.

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