Scientists’ new revelation… the asteroid that destroyed dinosaurs came from another world

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The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs from Earth came from far behind Jupiter. This has been revealed in a recent study. This asteroid made a huge crater on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico 66 million years ago. Due to which the entire species of dinosaurs was extinct.

Apart from this, 75 percent population of all the living beings present on the earth had been destroyed. It was like a holocaust. Debris was spread all over the world. Tsunami had come. The fire had spread. But now a study has been done, in which it has been claimed that this asteroid came from outside our solar system. That from far behind Jupiter.

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  Dinosaurs Killer Asteroids, Out of Solar System
A scientist shows ancient ruthenium material inside the debris blown up by the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. (Photo: Reuters)

Scientists studied ancient debris to find out what the asteroid was made of. This asteroid was carbonaceous. That means C-type. This means that the amount of carbon in it was very high. Geochemist Mario Fischer Godde and his colleagues from the University of Cologne in Germany have done this study.

Asteroid came from outside the solar system

Mario told that that asteroid does not resemble the asteroid present in our solar system. It came from outside. This ended the life of dinosaurs. This study recently Nature Has been published in the journal. The Cretaceous period ended after the collision of this asteroid. Chicxulub crater was formed. This pit was not small.

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  Dinosaurs Killer Asteroids, Out of Solar System

A crater 180 km wide and 20 km deep was formed.

It was 180 kilometers wide and 20 kilometers deep. Imagine how dangerous a collision with a carbon asteroid could be. The debris that flew due to this is today deposited in the form of clay at many places. In which Iridium, Ruthenium, Osmium, Rhodium, Platinum and Palladium are available.

Asteroid identified due to special metal

All these metals are rare on Earth, but are common in asteroids. Scientists paid special attention to ruthenium. Investigated the amount of ruthenium present in the clay. There are seven isotopes of this metal. Three were found in the debris left after the collision. These isotopes confirm that the hitting asteroid was full of carbon.

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  Dinosaurs Killer Asteroids, Out of Solar System

How many types of asteroids are there?

Asteroids filled with ruthenium are rarely found in our solar system. The isotopes found in it seem to be from an asteroid that came from outside the solar system. C-type asteroids are the oldest objects in the solar system. Are also the most common. After this come S-type asteroids filled with stones and M-type asteroids filled with rare metals.

Evidence of the formation of the solar system is found in C-type asteroids. These were outside the solar system. Later gradually some came inside the solar system. Which usually rotate in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. But the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs came directly from outside the solar system.

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