Indian doubles pair Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty’s campaign at the India Open Super 750 ended in the semifinals after they suffered a straight-game loss to Malaysia’s Goh Sze Fei and Nur Izzuddin in New Delhi on Saturday. The 2022 champions were outplayed 18-21, 14-21 in just 37 minutes by the Malaysian duo who produced a class act. The Indian pair started well, mixing attack and defense to lead 6-9, but the Malaysians seized control by claiming five of the next six points to take a one-point lead at the break.
After the resumption, Satwik and Chirag briefly regained the advantage, reaching 15-12. However, a strong comeback from the Malaysians, including a seven-point streak, saw them clinch the first game.
In the second game, the Malaysians surged to an early 5-0 lead. Despite a late rally from the Indians, which included a good service streak from Chirag, the Malaysians maintained their lead.
Goh read the game well from the front court as the visitors took a 5-0 lead after the change of sides. A lovely return to a flick serve gave the Indians their first points. A jump smash from Satwik narrowed the deficit to 4-8.
Then, a good serve and net duel brought the Indians to 7-8. Chirag kept serving well, and after a tight rally, it was the Malaysians who again entered the interval with an 11-10 lead.
The tall Indians levelled the score at 13-13, but the Malaysians pulled ahead with a three-point cushion at 17-14, after Chirag was warned for delaying. Soon, the score was 20-14, following six straight points, and the Malaysians sealed the match with a perfect ballooning serve to the backline.
This marks a second consecutive semifinal finish for Satwik and Chirag this season.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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