Saharanpur: Student stole and ate two laddus.Principal accused her and expelled her from school, uproar ensued

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A serious allegation has been leveled against the principal of a government school (upper primary school) in Saharanpur, UP. The principal expelled two sisters from the school on the charge of stealing and eating two laddus. It is also alleged that their names were also struck off and they were threatened to write ‘bad character’ in the TC. At present, after the matter escalated, BSA has now ordered an investigation. The victim’s family is financially weak.

Actually, the whole matter is from Nakur area of Saharanpur, where the incident of expelling two students from school on the charge of stealing laddus on the occasion of Independence Day has become a big issue. It has been alleged that the school principal expelled two students studying in class seven and eight from the school accusing them of stealing laddus and also talked about giving their TC after deleting their names. In this dispute, the father of the students says that one of his daughters was also beaten up.

The incident is of 15th August when laddus were ordered to be distributed in the school. Some laddus were left over and they were kept in the principal’s office. The student said that the children came to school the next day on 16th August. Principal sir was teaching, at that time he went to drink water after giving work to the children and then some girl students of the class stole the laddus and ate them. Sir accused them of this and expelled them from the school. A few days later when the girls narrated the incident at home, the father went to the school and talked to them, when the matter was not resolved then he met the SDM and complained.

A victim student said that she had no hand in the theft, rather other girls had committed the theft and she was falsely implicated. The victim said that she had not committed the theft, but the principal blamed her, beat her and expelled her from the school.

The girl’s father Jasbir Kumar says that his daughters have been framed in false allegations and now they are being threatened with expulsion from school. The girl studies in class 7 and her elder sister studies in class 8. The younger sister was accused of stealing laddus but along with her, the elder sister was also expelled from school.

Jasbir Kumar has complained to the SDM (Nakur) and demanded an investigation into the matter. He said that he was educating his daughters in this school, but now he will be forced to take TC and educate them somewhere else. He said that despite filing complaints at many places, no proper action has been taken so far.

At present, seeing the seriousness of this incident, the education department has come into action. Saharanpur’s Basic Education Officer Kumari Komal said that this matter has come to her notice recently. On which she has ordered an immediate investigation and has instructed the Block Education Officer to talk to the families of the girl students and get them counseled. In the initial investigation, no concrete evidence of laddu theft has been found, but the matter is being thoroughly investigated.

However, this incident has raised questions about the education system and the functioning of the school administration in the local area. The principal could not be contacted directly as he was hospitalized. The family and the local society are angry with this entire incident. They want the truth to come out and action to be taken against the culprits.

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