Russia, China and the Gulf – who have given recognition to Taliban, why do most countries still consider it a terrorist organization?

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Since the arrival of Taliban rule in Kabul, the situation there is getting worse. Currently, more than 90% of Afghans are struggling with poverty. Due to Islamic law, women are forced to stay at home. The Taliban government itself is in no less trouble. Due to extremism, no country is ready to accept it as the official government of Kabul. But does it matter?

what is taliban

In Pashto, students are called Taliban. In the nineties, when Russia was withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan, this organization started taking shape. It started in religious institutions. Under this, fanatic beliefs started being propagated. Soon its influence increased and in the year 1996 this organization captured Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. From here extremist forces started ruling the country. She asked women to remain in burqa and not to leave the house without men. Islamic laws were implemented so strictly that even music was banned.

He adopted Taliban 1.0

During this period of fanaticism, countries started giving Taliban the status of a terrorist organization because they were spreading their fanaticism even to the borders of other countries. During the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, only three countries recognized it – Saudi Arabia, UAE and Pakistan. All three are Muslim majority countries.

Between October 2001 and December 2001, American forces had almost destroyed the Taliban, but the spark continued to spread within. The result was that exactly after twenty years this terrorist group once again returned to Kabul. This time he toppled the elected government. This month it has been three years of Taliban rule but the country is not ready to give political recognition to this organization.

taliban in afghanistan diplomatic recognition photo AP

What is the effect of not getting recognition?

Amid increasing cases of violence against human rights, especially women and girls, all the countries immediately closed their embassies in Afghanistan. Besides, it also refused to recognize Taliban as the natural ruler of the country. But what are its disadvantages?

Not only the Taliban, but the entire country is suffering the consequences of not getting recognition. It will not get any help from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) until it gets official status. IMF canceled all the funds fixed for the country. Many western countries including America were giving maximum loans to Afghanistan. That too was banned.

So where is the money coming from now?

There is no definite source for this. American Intelligence had alleged last year that the Taliban was creating fake NGOs and extorting money through them. The US Special Inspector General of Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) alleged that the Taliban have set up several NGOs for education and medical help. They take international aid but do not deliver it to the needy.

taliban in afghanistan diplomatic recognition photo PTI

Private American companies are donating: According to SIGAR, America itself has donated 185 million dollars to Taliban since its arrival only in the name of education. This is happening when reportedly most countries including America have not recognized Taliban.

What will happen after getting recognition?

Giving recognition or official status is the condition in which two countries accept each other. After this they can maintain economic and political relations. Both have embassies and the people posted there also get diplomatic immunity. Only after this one can get international loan.

Who gives recognition?

Usually, the Supreme Leader of any country decides this along with his colleagues. But this process is not easy. In this it has to be seen whether the new power is violent or not and how legally it has come. Besides, foreign policy also has to be seen. For example, if India accepts Taliban, will the neighboring countries get angry with it, or will its ambassadors come to the country and start spying? This is decided only after looking at all the aspects.

taliban in afghanistan diplomatic recognition photo AFP

Russia advocated

Despite all the extremism of Taliban, many countries are maintaining diplomatic relations with Kabul. According to Radio Free Europe, in April this year, Russia handed over the Afghan embassy in Moscow to the Taliban. The very next month, Russian President Vladimir Putin, while talking about removing Taliban from the list of terrorist groups, said that Moscow should maintain good relations with this group.

China stuck between yes and no

In January this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping recognized the Taliban officer posted in Beijing as the Afghan ambassador. Due to this, Taliban people became the country’s representatives in China’s Afghanistan Embassy. Although Beijing has not yet publicly called Taliban the legitimate government of Afghanistan, it has definitely said that Taliban should not be cut off from the international community.

Acceptance in these countries also

Apart from these, Pakistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Gulf countries have also accepted it to a great extent. They also provide financial help to it. However, it was not clear whether all these countries have officially maintained diplomatic relations with it. For example, Saudi Arabia established the Organization of Islamic Countries mission in Kabul after the arrival of Taliban, but it is not clear that Taliban has control over all the diplomatic missions in this oil country.

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