RPSC RO/EO new exam date confirmed: Now RO-EO recruitment re-examination will be held on March 23, which was canceled due to question paper leak.

RPSC RO/EO New Exam Date: The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has announced the new dates for the revenue officer (RO) and executive officer (EO) recruitment examination. This recruitment exam conducted by the Gehlot government was recently canceled after the question paper was leaked. 28 people were arrested for leaking test papers and cheating on exams. 311 candidates have been included in the suspect list, pending final investigation and verification of documents.

The RPSC notice read that the challan was lodged on August 8, 2023 after the case was registered at Bikaner New Town police station on May 4, 2023, 10 days before the examination. Charanzhong pointed out that the photocopying is done through advanced electronic equipment at the examination centre. Regarding the complaints received, the organization sent a letter to ATS and SOG on June 12, 2024 to investigate the complaints.

When the candidates involved in document verification appeared suspicious, the committee re-verified the documents of many candidates from 2 to 8 August 2024, prepared a record of inquiry and sent it to the Additional Director General on 14 August 2024 , ATS and SOG for further verification. was written. Deputy Commissioner of Police, Rajasthan Police, Jaipur, STS and SOG informed the committee on August 28, 2024 about the serious facts regarding secrecy of the examination during the examination.

Separately, the Jaipur SOG also arrested 28 accused in a case registered on October 19, 2024. During the investigation, it was discovered that some examination centers had received three preliminary reports of candidates cheating through Bluetooth. After investigation, the test papers were leaked and the cheating in the examination was confirmed.

RPSC RO & EO Exam New Dates 2024: Now the recruitment exam will be held in March

RPSC will conduct the Revenue Officer (RO) and Executive Officer (EO) recruitment examination on March 23, 2025. The previous RPSC RO/EO recruitment examination was held on May 14, 2023. According to the SOG report, the RPSC admitted that cheating occurred in the recruitment examination. Examinations for all candidates will now be held again on March 23, 2025. It is understood that there are 19,683 applicants for this recruitment, covering a total of 111 positions. A total of 311 candidates have been shortlisted for consideration for eligibility and document verification purposes.

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