Record number of dark spots seen on the Sun, is a major disaster about to happen on Earth?

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Scientists of the Solar Dynamics Observatory of the American space agency NASA saw hundreds of sunspots forming on the sun within 24 hours on 8 August 2024. Some spots were small in size. But some were so big that the entire Earth could fit into them. So many spots have never been seen on the surface of the sun in recent times. That too in 24 hours.

Scientists have observed a very strong magnetic field developing around these spots. This means that it can send a solar storm towards the earth at any time. That is, an electromagnetic storm. This poses a threat to the earth’s ozone layer, satellites, navigation systems and power grids.

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Maximum Solar Spots, Sunspots, NASA, Solar Storm

If a massive solar storm occurs, it can send new waves of huge amounts of electromagnetic radiation into space. These will be solar storms caused by coronal mass ejection (CME). NOAA scientist Shawn Dull said that this is a solar cycle. The average is 11 years.

When the sun goes from minimum to maximum. This is Solar Cycle 25, the most intense time of which is yet to come. Scientists estimate that the solar maximum will be at its peak in the year 2025. This will cause many geomagnetic storms. Spots are often seen on the sun, many spots do not disappear for 20-20 years.

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Maximum Solar Spots, Sunspots, NASA, Solar Storm

What are sun spots…how are they formed?

When a part of the sun has less heat than the other part, spots are formed there. These appear as small and big black and brown spots from a distance. A spot can last from a few hours to a few weeks. The darker part inside the spot is called Umbra and the less dark outer part is called Pen Umbra.

What are the classes of solar storms?

These days the sun is very active. This is causing geomagnetic storms. In scientific language, these are called (M class) M-class and (X class) X-class flares i.e. solar waves. The sun will remain this active for the next 8 years. Due to this, the possibility of solar storms will remain.

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Maximum Solar Spots, Sunspots, NASA, Solar Storm

Solar storm coming at a speed of millions of km/hr

Coronal mass ejection occurs due to the spots formed on the sun. That is, a kind of explosion on the surface of the sun. This spreads one billion tons of charged particles in space at a speed of several lakh kilometers per hour. When these particles hit the earth, they disrupt many satellite networks, GPS systems, satellite TV and radio communications.

What did NASA do for this?

Usually, CMEs are not very harmful. But NASA monitors the Sun all the time. In addition, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe mission keeps giving information about the health of the Sun while orbiting it from time to time. Along with this, we can better understand the spots and space weather created by the Sun.

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