Rare discovery in America… 7 feet long, 270 kg tusk of elephant’s ancestors found in Mississippi

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For the first time, a giant tooth of the great-grandfather and great-grandfather of elephants, the mammoth, has been found in Mississippi, America. This tooth is so big that what would have been the size of its mammoth? It so happened that American citizen Eddie Templeton was tracking in the forests of Mississippi. He is fond of finding old fossils. Then he saw some strange circular thing under a cliff. The first thought is the tail of a giant snake or crocodile.

When Eddie went closer he was surprised. It was a huge tusk of a giant elephant. Which was buried partly under water and partly in soil. Sandy soil was deposited on top of it. He immediately called the Mississippi State Geological Survey. Told the whole matter. Scientists came from the center and examined this tooth.

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  Mammoth Tusk, Mississippi, Columbian Mammoth

It was found that this tooth, seven feet long and weighing 270 kilograms, belonged to the Columbian Mammoth of the Ice Age. Eddie told that when I came to know that it was a mammoth’s tooth, I jumped with joy. Because I discovered this. I always wanted to find some part, fossil or organ of the mammoth. But this was a wonderful and rare discovery.

Teeth are completely safe, will reveal many things

Geologist James Starnes said that the fossils do not remain intact at this place. But this mammoth tooth is almost 100 percent correct. This is extremely big. It looked like Mastodons, American relatives of Mammoths. Because these same animals were found here during the Ice Age. They could easily get food here. That’s why he lived here.

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  Mammoth Tusk, Mississippi, Columbian Mammoth

Columbian mammoths existed 11,700 years ago

This tooth belongs to the Columbian Mammoth. Which was here during the Pleistocene period. That means between 26 lakh and 11,700 years. These mammoths crossed the Bering Land Bridge and migrated to North America 1.5 million years ago. According to the teeth, it seems that this mammoth must have been at least 15 feet tall. Its weight must have been around 10 tonnes.

When the ice age ended, these giant creatures also died.

Mammoths roamed in North America during the Ice Age. Use to live. But as the glaciers started melting, their population started decreasing. Apart from this, they started getting killed due to human hunting. Gradually the entire species became extinct. Columbian mammoths became extinct between 13 thousand and 11 thousand years ago.

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  Mammoth Tusk, Mississippi, Columbian Mammoth

The last mammoth died out 3700 years ago

Whereas, their relative Woolly Mammoth species became extinct 6000 years ago. The last woolly mammoth died about 3700 years ago in Wrangel Island, Russia. Whose fossil has been found. This island might have been the last resting place of the mammoth. After this, mammoths have never been seen in the whole world.

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