Rape or gang rape? When will the truth of the brutality done with Kolkata’s junior doctor come out?

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The one truth about the junior doctor of Kolkata that everyone wants to know is whether this case is of rape or gangrape? If the case is of rape, then as the accused, Sanjay Roy has been in the custody of Kolkata Police and now CBI for the last 12 days. That means the case is as clear as a mirror. But if the case is of gangrape, then the whole story will change. But the question is who will answer this truth? And why is it taking so long for the answer to this truth to come out?

There is a CFSL i.e. Central Forensic Science Laboratory in Kolkata. The truth and the report that will answer both the questions will come out from that laboratory. The answer is whether the case is of rape or gang rape. According to sources, Kolkata Police has sent the samples for investigation to that CFSL. But the question is why is CFSL taking so much time to give this report. Whereas as per the rules, this report should come out in one to two days.

In fact, in case of rape, forensic experts collect two samples from the victim’s vagina. One is a swab and the other is a slide. These samples are collected using cotton. After this, the victim’s DNA profile is extracted using the swab and slide. If the suspect or the accused is in police custody, then his blood sample is taken. His DNA profile is also extracted using that blood sample. After this, that DNA profile is matched with the DNA profile of the swab and slide taken from the vagina.

If the DNA profiles of both match, then it is clear that the suspect is the culprit. In this case, the accused named Sanjay Roy was in the custody of Kolkata Police from the very first day. Currently, he is in the custody of CBI. According to sources, Kolkata Police had sent Sanjay Roy’s blood sample along with the victim’s samples to CFSL on August 10 itself. As per the rules, when samples of both the victim and the accused are available, then it takes a maximum of two days for the forensic report to come.

But at present it is not known whether CFSL has submitted this report to CBI and CBI is silent on this or this report has not been submitted to CBI till now. Aaj Tak spoke to CFSL Kolkata Director Brijendra Badonia on phone regarding this. But he clearly refused to say anything about this report or the case.

Now the question is how does the forensic report tell whether the case is of rape or gangrape? Actually, the swab and slide samples taken from the vagina of the rape victim are subjected to DNA profiling. But if more than one DNA profile is found in the DNA profiling of the victim, it means that more than one person has raped the victim. But who those more than one people are can be found out only when the DNA profile of the other suspects matches with the DNA profile of the suspects present in the victim’s body.

Now understand it like this. CFSL has samples of both the Kolkata junior doctor i.e. the victim and the accused Sanjay Roy. If the DNA profile of the suspect present in the victim’s body matches Sanjay’s DNA profile, then it means that Sanjay is the culprit. But if the number of DNA profiles present in the victim’s body is more, in which there are some unknown DNA profiles apart from Sanjay, then it clearly means that the case is of gang rape.

You may remember that a doctor from Kolkata had claimed, citing the post-mortem report, that 151 millilitres of white liquid was found in the vaginal swab and slide of the junior doctor. This may contain some mucus and two or three other things. Most of the remaining quantity is semen.

After this, the doctor further says that the semen of an average Indian man is around five milliliters. And just this statement of the doctor gave rise to the theory of gang rape. Whereas both these claims of the doctor are wrong. Most of the 151 milligrams of white liquid is mucus, water and other things.

But even if we assume that out of 151 millilitres, 101 millilitres is mucus and other things and 50 millilitres is semen, then according to the claim of this doctor sahab, if the semen of an average Indian is 5 milligrams, then according to this calculation, 10 people have committed gang rape. As far as the second claim of an average Indian having 5 millilitres of semen is concerned, all the experts of the country claim that the semen quantity of an average Indian is maximum 2 to 2.5 millilitres. The doctor sahab who has fuelled the talk of 151 millilitres was neither in the team of doctors who conducted the postmortem nor had he seen the body of the victim. He made this claim just after reading the postmortem report.

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