Prashant Kishor’s party will field 40 Muslim candidates in Bihar elections, PK’s announcement from the stage

Prashant Kishor’s party will field 40 Muslim candidates in Bihar elections, PK’s announcement from the stage

Election strategist Prashant Kishor, who has entered Bihar politics to try his luck, has made a big announcement about the participation of Muslims in his party. Prashant Kishor has announced from the stage that his party will give tickets to at least 40 Muslim candidates in the Bihar assembly elections to be held next year. He has also told how many Muslims will get a place in the core team of his party.

Actually, Jan Suraj organized a program on Sunday. The topic of which was ‘Participation of Muslims in Politics’. Prashant Kishore also participated in this program. PK said during this time that Gandhi’s ideology will have to be adopted to defeat BJP. Prashant Kishore said during this time that a team of 25 people will be formed to lead Jan Suraj, in which 4-5 people will be from the Muslim community.

The program was organized at Bapu Sabhagar in Patna, in which a large number of people from the Muslim community participated. Addressing the gathering, Prashant Kishore, the architect of Jan Suraj, said, ‘Looking at today’s political and social conditions, it can be said that the time has come to revive the ideology of Gandhi, Ambedkar, Lohia and JP.’

PK said, ‘I had supported Narendra Modi in 2014, but after that from 2015 to 2021, I always supported the parties and leaders fighting against BJP in their victory. You should know that BJP has succeeded in forming the government in Delhi thrice with only 37 percent votes, whereas the country has 80 percent Hindu population. This means that 40 percent Hindus have voted against BJP.’

Talking about ideology, Prashant Kishor further said, ’40 percent of Hindus have voted against the ideology of politics of hatred. That is why if you want to do justice to your children, now is the time to join the ideology of Gandhi and socialism and help defeat the BJP.’

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