Police station, court, office, hospital… everywhere the common man is being ravaged by the ‘wolf’ of bribery and corruption

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The Amrit Kaal of freedom is going on, the country has been independent for so many years but there is one problem which remains the same. It is not that the solution to this problem was never discussed, or the governments did not take strict steps for it, but still the way this problem raises its head every time, it is certain that all the solutions found till now are insufficient to end it and this problem has been continuously hollowing out the country for so many years. This problem is bribery and corruption. It is very important to awaken the governments, government departments, government agencies against this.

Action on bribery in Uttar Pradesh
The biggest thing is that somewhere or the other, you or your family must have faced this. The problem is of bribery in government offices. Sometimes a bridge breaks somewhere. Sometimes a road breaks somewhere. Later it is known that government corruption was responsible. From birth certificate to getting the house registered or getting a death certificate, even today in government offices, bribe-taking clerks, employees, officers sit on your work. Action is being taken against such corrupt government officials in Uttar Pradesh these days.

In Ayodhya, the accountant of the Block Education Officer had demanded a bribe of one lakh
In Ayodhya, the accountant of the Block Education Officer has been caught taking a bribe of Rs 1 lakh. He demanded a bribe of Rs 1 lakh in exchange for withdrawing the GPF money of the deceased teacher. The Uttar Pradesh Vigilance team caught him red handed. When he demanded the bribe, the Vigilance team laid a trap. As soon as he took the bribe of Rs 1 lakh from the family of the deceased teacher in the BSA office, the UP Vigilance team caught him.

Moradabad: SDM’s steno caught taking a bribe of fifty thousand rupees
A similar incident came to light in Moradabad. Here in the tehsil, bribery was being done in exchange for changing the land use of a farmer’s land. Here in Thakurdwara tehsil, the SDM’s steno was caught taking a bribe of fifty thousand rupees. After receiving a complaint, the vigilance team caught him counting the bribe money. The team dragged this bribe-taking clerk out from there. When he was caught, he was found counting the bribe money with his fingers under the table after receiving fifty thousand rupees.

Amethi: SDM’s steno was taking bribe here too
To end the termites of bribery in Amethi, the vigilance team arrived in a filmy style. Here, the SDM’s steno had just taken the bribe money and put it in his pocket when the Anti Corruption Bureau people said, “Hello, you have been surrounded from all sides.” The stunned bribe-taking peon was unable to understand what to do next. After this, the ACB started taking out those notes from the corrupt person’s pocket, which he has been taking in exchange for every work. Like this time, a complaint was received that he had taken bribe to get the stay order removed in the division dispute.

Kanpur: Head constable of ACP office was demanding bribe
One has grabbed the collar, one the waist, one the hands and the fourth has grabbed the chest. On seeing such pictures, common people on the road say that it is good that the bribe taker has been caught. This uniformed man is the head constable of Kanpur’s ACP office. He had taken a bribe of 15 thousand from a woman named Janaki Devi in ​​exchange for verification of the money to be received from the women welfare department. As soon as he took the money, the vigilance team caught this money-grabber who crushed honesty.

It seems as if there is no department left where bribe-takers are not sitting on every chair to devour everything like termites. He is being dragged from the stairs of Kanpur Vikas Pradhikaran. He is a fourth class employee, but was found to be first class in corruption. He was caught taking 10 thousand rupees in exchange for completing the pending registry of the house received under EWS quota. Similarly, the JE of the water department in the Nagar Palika was caught taking a bribe of more than two lakhs. He asked for money to get the contract bill passed.

The action taken by the Vigilance Department in Uttar Pradesh within ten days. If this picture of it seems that the corrupt are being caught, then the question also arises that is there so much bribery going on in the government departments of Uttar Pradesh that whether it is the education department or the police station. Tehsil office or the municipality. Wherever you look, work is not being done without money. And then remember the statement of the former minister of UP in the month of July. Former minister Rajendra Pratap Singh alias Moti Singh says that ‘We have no hesitation in saying that in my 42 years of political life, I could neither think nor see such corruption in the tehsil and police station… it is unimaginable.

Is what many leaders including former minister of Uttar Pradesh kept saying in July, the truth is that no matter which department it is, without giving cash, nothing can be done and this is not just a matter of one state. According to the report of Transparency International,
– In terms of corruption in 2023, India ranks 93rd out of 180 countries.
– A total of 74,203 complaints of corruption were received against officers/employees of all categories in 2023.

The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) report says that the top five departments where corruption complaints were received are,
– Railways at central level – 10,447
– Public Sector Banks – 7,004
– Delhi Government – 6,638
– Housing and Urban Department – 4,476
– Ministry of Coal – 4,420
– Ministry of Labour – 3,217

– Transparency International India-Local Circles Survey – 2019 report revealed where work cannot be done without giving bribe
Property registration and land related departments – 26%
Police – 19
Municipal Corporation – 13 per cent
Transport department: 13%
Tax department: 8%

It is clear from the report that the termites of corruption are still eating away honesty in government departments from the center to every state. To eliminate these bribe-taking termites, it is necessary that action against the corrupt be intensified, the officers and employees who are caught taking bribe should be punished within the stipulated time. The property of the officers taking bribe should also be investigated and if property more than the income is found, it should be confiscated immediately.

The wolf of the forest and the wolf of the system!
After the termites and weevils of corruption, now it is time to knock against the wolves of the system. You must have seen and heard news of the terror of wolves in Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh for many days. The wolf comes mostly in the dark of night. It takes away small children. The attacking wolf will be caught, but the question is how will those people be caught who hunt common people even in broad daylight. This report has been prepared not only on the wolves that come from the forest to attack human settlements but also to expose the wolves of the system who are corrupt, careless, lazy and do not care about the public.

It happened that due to fear of a wolf, a girl fell from the roof and got seriously injured. She was immediately taken to the hospital, but there a different scene was witnessed. The victim girl, whose name is Mohini, instead of getting treatment, had to lie down under a tree outside the hospital. On being asked why, her father said, ‘Due to fear of the wolf, he was made to lie down on someone else’s roof. This child fell down. He has a head injury. When we came to the emergency, they said to take him to the children’s ward. When we came here, they said that the doctor will come at ten o’clock and then he will be seen, so we are sitting outside under a tree.

Meaning, in the jungle of government mismanagement, Mohini was made to lie down under a tree on Wednesday morning, who was wounded by the claws of the wolves of government policies in such a way that she had to lie outside in the sun in pain. In fact, the government staff is currently showing its readiness only to catch the wolf and at the most to treat the injured due to the wolf attack. The girl, whose father does not have a house with a roof, is not even in the priority of the doctor of the government hospital. The poor man who goes to sleep on the neighbor’s roof with his daughter to escape the fear of the wolf. The poor man whose daughter falls from the roof and instead of getting immediate treatment for the wounds caused by the fear of the wolf, he is told to wait till ten o’clock, the doctor will come. After this report, the treatment of Mohini starts, but the question remains that when will the useless officers and employees in the government system, who suck the blood of the public like leeches, be caught.

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