Planning, plotting and executing the bombings… This is how Israeli intelligence intimidates Lebanon

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Lebanon serials reveal the conspiracy of Mossad Unit 8200: Israel’s Unit 8200 played a major role in the two consecutive days of serial bombings in Lebanon. In fact, Unit 8200 is a very secret high-tech military unit in Israel. Whose job is to fight a technical war. This dynamic unit fully supported Mossad in the serial bombings in Lebanon. The story of this unit will surprise you.

After a massive explosion in Lebanon, the name of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad appeared at the top. The reason is that Mossad is one of the most dangerous intelligence agencies in the world, known for such terrible and secret operations. When the blame is attributed to Israel, the first suspect is Mossad.

But it is now clear that the person behind the explosions of pagers, walkie-talkies and solar panels in Lebanon was not Mossad, but the IDF, Unit 8200. This means that if anyone was involved in planning and executing the serial bombings, it was Unit 8200. However, Israel has not publicly acknowledged its involvement in these bombings.

But the sources said that those who provided pagers to Hezbollah and conspired to massacre Hezbollah fighters were experts of Unit 8200… Now the question is, what is this Unit 8200, which few people in the world know so far. So let’s try to understand it with the help of some guidance.

Unit 8200 is one of the most intelligent and high-tech military units in Israel. The unit plays the most important role in high-profile intelligence operations and cyber warfare. Its work involves technical warfare, intelligence meetings, and cyber security. It is considered more intelligent and dangerous than Mossad. Its working principle is to collect intelligence information and formulate strategies accordingly.

In addition to hacking, encryption and surveillance, the unit also provides training for young soldiers. The unit recruits the best security personnel in Israel. She is known for her creative thinking, technical experts and innovation. People who worked in this unit later founded Israeli high-tech industries such as Orca Security.

Unlike Mossad, the members of this unit are very smart officers and are engaged in many special operations. It is also known as Israel’s warning system. A system that detects danger in advance. They also do special work in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. And there is a large team of technical experts in the unit. Like the 8200 unit, there are also 9900 units and 504 units, which work at different levels. But the largest of them is 8200.

You can understand its importance by the fact that this unit reports directly to the Israeli Prime Minister. And has close coordination with the Mossad. This is not the first time that Unit 8200 has carried out a major operation. Even before this, she has been involved in such operations. The device is believed to have played a major role in destroying Iran’s nuclear power plant.

It is said that the unit prepared a virus called Strux-net and used it to attack Iranian nuclear power plants. This virus once burned centrifuges installed in nuclear power plants from the inside. And this expertise is so great that Iran could not have known it for a long time. In addition, “Unit 8200” saved a plane flying from the UAE to Australia from being hijacked in 2018.

Now, when we talk about intelligence agencies like Israel, we should also talk about Mossad and Sheinbet. Let’s introduce the two agencies one by one. Mossad is Israel’s national secret agency responsible for national security and national interests. Its work includes collecting, analyzing and using intelligence information for the Israeli government. In general, Mossad’s activities can be divided into four parts.

  • Gathering Intelligence The Mossad collects intelligence information from around the world that is vital to Israel’s security and well-being.
  • Analysis and Evaluation – The agency also analyses and evaluates its information so that it can be used at the right time.
  • Business Activities – Mossad also participates in various operational activities such as counter-terrorism operations, cybersecurity, and other intelligence operations.
  • Security and Defense – Since the goal of the Mossad is to protect Israel, it actively attacks Israel’s enemies when necessary and ensures the safety of its citizens under all circumstances.

Despite the presence of so many churches, information about the working methods and activities of the Mossad is not made public, as the agency is secretive about its operations. Now let’s talk about the Shin Bet. Like the Mossad, the Shin Bet is also an Israeli intelligence agency, but unlike the Mossad, its name rarely appears. The agency is known for fighting terrorists and eliminating Israel’s enemies wherever they are.

Israel laid the foundation after independence in 1948. Since then, it has carried out many major operations. The capture of Syrian spy Eliyahu Hakim in 1956 is considered one of its major achievements. Similarly, in 1960, the Shin Bet also kidnapped a Nazi officer from Argentina. This was considered an enemy of Israel.

(Manisha Jha and Aaj Tak Bureau)

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