Pinching, slapping, making cock… action will be taken against scolding and hitting students in UP schools.

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The Education Department has taken an important decision for the students studying in council schools in Uttar Pradesh. Now in these schools no teacher can beat any student nor will any student be given mental punishment. The Education Department has issued new rules regarding punishment of students. According to these rules, teachers cannot punish children like reprimanding, making them run around the campus, pinching, slapping or making them sit on their knees.

Ban on giving mental punishment to children also

If a teacher locks a student alone in the classroom as punishment, action will be taken against him. These new rules of the Education Department will be implemented from the new session. According to the information, Director General of School Education Kanchan Verma has instructed all BSAs that from the new session, children studying in council schools should not be given physical and mental punishment. Children have the right to express their views. In every school where there are hostels, a forum should be created where children can express their views. There should be a complaint box in the school so that children can complain. There must be a parent-teacher meeting with children, teachers and parents.

School students will be able to complain

The Director General also said that for quick redressal of complaints in the school, complaints can be made on the toll free number 1800 893277 started by the Chief Minister. This number has been pasted on the notice board of the school so that complaints and suggestions can be monitored regularly. Director General School Education Kanchan Verma has instructed all BSAs that there should be no discrimination against anyone during meals, playgrounds, drinking water and toilet facilities. Teachers should be given training on modules prepared for children by making them aware of their rights. All schools will ensure that detailed information about this is given in the teacher-parent committee meeting every month.

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