‘People get irritated when the power is cut off in the middle of the night…’, an electricity department worker explained his helplessness in a video

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If it is humid summer, midnight and suddenly the power goes off, then its reaction is clearly visible in the neighborhoods and colonies. People scold the electricity department fiercely. Sometimes in the scorching heat, the anger increases so much that news of people setting fire to the power house starts coming.

But have we ever thought that cutting off electricity at midnight can also be a compulsion? A viral video on social media explains the real reason for the power cut at midnight. This video is spreading rapidly among the people. People’s reactions are also coming out on this.

This video has been shot by a lineman himself. In the video, he tells that as soon as there is a power cut, people start cursing the lineman without thinking. But let me show you the truth, linemen do not do this intentionally. Sometimes it is a compulsion, and sometimes it is also done to prevent a major technical fault. After watching this video, people are now praising him.

After all, what is the real reason behind power failure in homes at midnight?

The video shows a power house where the power output device on the 11kV line has turned completely red due to excessive load. This condition worries the lineman that if the device is not cooled down, it can cause serious damage to the 11kV line, causing a major fault. So the lineman immediately cuts the power so that it can be cooled down. But if the device does not cool down, he is forced to turn the power back on. As soon as the power is turned on, there is a loud explosion in the line. After this, the lineman has to climb the pole in the dark and struggle to fix the line.

After watching this video on social media, people are praising the lineman, and are also admitting that they too often blamed the lineman when the power went out on summer nights. After watching the video, they realized that they were wrong. Some people even said that this video opened their eyes. And now they understand how dangerous and risky the work of a lineman is. This video has been shared from the Instagram account of Rajasthan Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, and so far it has been viewed more than 7.5 million times.

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