Password hacking attempts, users from Gmail to Amazon are the target, report reveals

Password hacking attempts, users from Gmail to Amazon are the target, report reveals

Scammers use many methods to cheat people. Cyber ​​security firms keep sharing information about such threats from time to time. Recently, Kaspersky has recorded an increase in attacks stealing passwords. Amazon, Facebook and Google users are being targeted in such attacks.

It is no surprise that Google, Facebook and Amazon accounts are being targeted. All these are targets of cyber criminals. By hacking these accounts, data theft, malware distribution, credit card fraud and many more cyber crimes can be committed.

Most of the attention is on Google accounts

If scammers get access to someone’s Google account, it is no less than a treasure for them. Kaspersky has found that Google is on top of the list of scammers. Google is the most favorite firm of cyber criminals for stealing passwords.

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Kaspersky said that there have been many attempts to target Google accounts in the six months of 2024. The number of such attacks has increased by 243 percent, out of which 40 lakh attempts have been blocked by Kaspersky security solution. This number is much higher than last year.

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Kaspersky security experts say, ‘This year there has been a significant increase in phishing attempts targeting Google users.’ They said, ‘If criminals get hold of someone’s Google account, they can access many other services.’

Other platforms are also being targeted

There have been 37 lakh phishing attacks on Facebook users. Apart from this, 30 lakh attacks have been registered on Amazon. Microsoft, DHL, PayPal, Mastercard, Apple, Netflix and Instagram are also included in the top 10. Kaspersky says that other brands are also being targeted a lot.

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Criminals are using direct calls and text messages to target people. More than 130 organizations have been targeted in America. Apart from this, scammers are also targeting people through QR codes. Cyber ​​criminals are constantly targeting people in the digital world

To avoid this, you can take the help of cyber security service providers.

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