Pakistani national was conspiring with ISIS for terror attack in New York, arrested from Canada

Pakistani national was conspiring with ISIS for terror attack in New York, arrested from Canada

A Pakistani citizen living in Canada has been arrested on charges of trying to provide help and resources to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). The US Justice Department has issued a statement giving information about this.

The arrested accused has been identified as 20-year-old Mohammad Shahzeb Khan who allegedly planned a terrorist attack in New York City around October 7. Attorney General Merrick B Garland said that this terrorist attack was planned with the intention of killing as many Jews as possible in the name of ISIS.

American Jewish centers were the target

FBI Director Christopher Ray said, “The accused allegedly aimed to kill Jews in the United States nearly a year after Hamas’ horrific attack on Israel. This investigation was led by the FBI. I am proud of the great work done by the FBI team and our partners to thwart Khan’s plan,”

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Ray said, “The FBI will continue to work closely with our partners to investigate and hold accountable those who commit violence in the name of ISIS or other terrorist organizations. Fighting terrorism is the FBI’s top priority.” The complaint alleges that Shahzeb Khan attempted to travel from Canada to New York City, where he intended to carry out a mass shooting at a Jewish center in Brooklyn, New York, with support from ISIS.

The accused got trapped in the net of undercover agents

Khan began posting on social media about support for ISIS and interacting with others on encrypted messaging applications in or around November 2023. He distributed, among other things, ISIS propaganda videos and literature. Next, he began communicating with two undercover law enforcement officers. Khan repeatedly instructed the undercover law enforcement officers to procure AR-style assault rifles, ammunition, and other materials to conduct attacks and to identify locations where attacks would be conducted.

Khan also explained how he would cross the border from Canada into the US to carry out the attack. During this conversation, Khan emphasized that “October 7 and October 11 are the best days to target Jews because October 7 is the anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel.” October 11 is Yom Kippur, a Jewish religious holiday.

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Can be sentenced to 20 years in prison

The Pakistani national has been charged with attempting to provide support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organisation. If convicted, the accused faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering US sentencing guidelines and other statutory factors.

The Israel Defense Forces declared readiness for war on October 7 last year after a heavy barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip and infiltration of Hamas militants into Israel and the war has been going on since then.

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