‘Our work is urgent, we begin it today’: What Starmer said in speech as UK PM

NEW DELHI: Keir Starmer, who became UK Prime Minister after the Labour Party‘s landslide victory in the general election, said it was a “time for reset” in his first speech after becoming the PM.
Addressing media outside 10 Downing Street on Friday, Starmer said “our work is urgent and we begin it today”.
Keir Starmer said he would lead a “government of service” on a mission of national renewal in his first official remarks.
Starmer acknowledged that many people are “disillusioned and cynical” about politics and said his government would try to restore faith in the government.
“My government will make you believe again,” Starmer said as supporters cheered for him on outside 10 Downing Street.
“The work for change begins immediately,” Starmer said. “We will rebuild Britain. …. Brick by brick we will rebuild the infrastructure of opportunity.”
Starmer also invited those in the opposition to be the part of “government of service”.
“With respect and humility, I invite you all to join this government of service in the mission of national renewal,” he said.
“Now our country has voted decisively for change and a return of politics to public service,” Starmer said.
He also thanked Rishi Sunak, saying that his achievement as the first British Asian PM of this country should not be underestimated by anyone.
Starmer said it was “time for a reset”, adding that the UK’s greatest strength has always been to “navigate a way to calmer waters”.
“It is surely clear to everyone that our country needs a bigger reset, a rediscovery of who we are, because no matter how fierce the storms of history, one of the greatest strengths of this nation has always been our ability to navigate a way to calmer waters,” the new UK PM said.
Starmer speech came after he met King Charles III at Buckingham Palace, who offered him to form the new government.
UK Labour Party, in opposition for the past 14 years, has secured over 400 out of the 650 seats in parliament, as was predicted by the exit poll.
UK’s centre-left Labour Party secured a sweeping victory in the general election, effectively ending 14 years of Conservative rule.
Starmer’s election marks the first Labour government since 2010, achieving a significant shift in the political landscape.
Landslide victory for Labour Party Labour managed to capture a significant number of traditionally Conservative seats across the country, leading to the defeat of several high-profile members of the Cabinet.
Defence secretary Grant Shapps was among the notable losers, along with senior minister Penny Mordaunt and prominent Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg. Finance minister Jeremy Hunt, however, narrowly retained his seat by a margin of just 891 votes.
The Conservative Party’s worst electoral result prior to this was 156 seats in 1906.
Labour’s resounding success contrasts sharply with their fortunes just five years ago, when Jeremy Corbyn led the party to its worst defeat since 1935 in an election heavily influenced by Brexit.
Keir Starmer took leadership in early 2020, moving the party back to the political center, expelling internal conflicts and issues such as anti-Semitism, thus making Labour a more viable option for voters.
Consistent polling had shown Labour enjoying a 20-point lead over the Conservatives for nearly two years, suggesting an inevitable Labour victory — the first since Tony Blair’s win in 2005.

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