Om Parvat Without Snow: Due to rising temperatures, the snow on Om Parvat melted, the shape of OM disappeared…

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The snow has melted from Om Parvat in Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand. Due to which the word Om has completely disappeared. Now only a black mountain is visible here. This mountain is 5900 meters i.e. 19356 feet high. People are surprised by this unwanted natural phenomenon. Scientists have attributed this to climate change and rising temperatures.

Kundal Singh Chauhan, who works for the environment, said that the grand and divine view of Om Parvat was visible from Nabhidang near the China border in Pithoragarh district. Currently, due to the increase in global temperature, the snow is melting rapidly from this Himalayan region. Therefore, the snow has disappeared from Om Parvat as well. Everyone is shocked by this incident in the Himalayas. The continuous construction work in the Himalayas, increasing temperature and human intervention are being said to be the reason behind this incident.

Om Parvat Without Snow
The snow has completely disappeared from Om Mountain.

Local environmentalist Bhagwan Singh Rawat said that the melting of snow from Om Parvat is a serious incident. It is also a warning for the future. Scientists should study this in detail. So that the snow of the Himalayas can be saved in time. Construction work has been going on in Pithoragarh for a long time. The crowd has also increased due to tourism. This is changing the climate.

Study reveals… Himalayas will dry up if mercury rises by 3 degrees

If the country’s temperature rises by 3 degrees Celsius, then 90 percent of the Himalayas will face drought for more than a year. This frightening revelation has been made in a new research. Its data has been published in the Climatic Change Journal. The worst impact will be on the Himalayan regions of India. There will be a shortage of water for drinking and irrigation.

Om Parvat Without Snow

80% Indians are facing heat stress. If this has to be stopped, then under the Paris Agreement, the temperature must be stopped at 1.5 degrees Celsius. If it reaches 3 degrees Celsius, the situation will go from bad to worse. This study has been done under the leadership of researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA) of England.

This new study has been done by combining five different studies. All these eight studies focus on India, Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia and Ghana. In all these areas, there is a possibility of drought, flood, crop loss and reduction in biodiversity due to climate change, global warming and increasing temperature.

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