Men also have dignity, the Kerala High Court said while hearing the bail plea of veteran actor-director Balachandra Menon. Menon was granted anticipatory bail on Wednesday for allegedly insulting the modesty of a woman artist during the shooting of a 2007 film, but the court said the “pride” and “dignity” of not only women but also men were at stake. occur. Justice PV Kunhikrishnan made this comment while accepting the actor’s anticipatory bail plea.
What’s going on?
In September this year, a case was registered against the actor after the release of the Judicial Hema Commission report. Menon argued in the petition that the complaint was filed in 2007, 17 years after the alleged incident, and was aimed at maligning her image. The court said their argument was “credible” because it was an admitted fact that the alleged incident occurred in 2007. “It is an accepted fact that the victim made the complaint 17 years after the alleged incident,” she said. It is known that the applicant (Menon) is a famous film artist. He has directed about 40 films and won two National Awards. He was also awarded the Padma Shri by the state.
Justice Kunhikrishnan said, “The case was registered on the basis of a woman’s statement and this too after 17 years. It is true that the investigation is still on but everyone should remember that pride and dignity belong not only to women but also to women.” Belonging to a man, the court said it was “in the interest of justice” to grant bail to the applicant and directed Menon to appear before the investigating officer within two weeks.
Balachandra Menon granted conditional bail
“If the investigating officer after interrogation proposes the arrest of the petitioner (Menon), the actor shall be released on bail on a bond of Rs 50,000 and two sureties sufficient to the satisfaction of the officer concerned who arrested him,” the court said. It directed Menon to be interviewed by investigators if necessary, cooperate with the investigation and “will provide information, directly or indirectly, to any person familiar with the facts of the case”. No inducements or threats will be given…” (with language input)
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