Not Namibia or Africa, now leopards will be brought to India from these countries!

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Apart from South Africa and Namibia, India is now considering importing cheetahs from new countries as well. A major reason for this is the biorhythm-related problems observed in cheetahs brought from countries in the Southern Hemisphere.

The countries from which cheetahs are being considered for import are Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and Sudan. Actually, there is a difference in circadian rhythm between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. India falls in the Northern Hemisphere, while South Africa and Namibia fall in the Southern Hemisphere.

Three cheetahs had died

Some cheetahs brought to India last year had developed thick skin in anticipation of the winter season (June to September) in Africa. However, summer and monsoon season were going on in India at that time. Out of these, 3 cheetahs (one Namibian female and two South African males) had wounds on their back and neck under their winter coat. These wounds got infected with blood due to insects, after which all three died.

No country has been contacted yet

According to agency sources, cheetahs in Namibia and South Africa have once again developed a thick winter coat. Despite these apprehensions, countries in the Southern Hemisphere have been included in the list to bring new cheetahs. Talks are going on with several countries, including South Africa and Namibia, although no one has been formally contacted yet.

The committee meeting was held on August 10

According to sources in the agency, the focus is currently on solving existing issues such as increasing the prey base, managing the leopard population and preparing the Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary. Documents received by PTI show that a steering committee meeting was held on August 10 last year. In this, chairman Rajesh Gopal had suspected a reason for the death of cheetahs.

This could be the reason for the death of cheetahs

Gopal had said that the cheetahs coming from countries of the Southern Hemisphere were kept in Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh, where the time taken to adjust the bio-rhythm according to the local environment, climate and conditions could be the cause of death.

The third generation of cheetahs will be stronger

Due to lack of biorhythmic adjustment, some cheetahs fell prey to ectoparasitic infections during their fur change. This was done to sync with the climatic conditions of their earlier habitat. In the meeting, Gopal had said, ‘The third offspring generation of surviving cheetahs will be more resistant and better adapted to the conditions of Kuno.’

Why priority given to Kenya-Somalia?

Gopal acknowledged the possibility of more deaths due to this issue. He recommended that cheetahs for future reintroductions should be imported from countries in the Northern Hemisphere, such as Kenya or Somalia, to avoid circadian complications.

India’s climatic conditions are different

He stressed that South African cheetahs are adapted to the climatic conditions of the Southern Hemisphere. The climatic system here is different. Therefore, it is important that the National Tiger Conservation Authority prioritizes bringing new cheetahs from Northern Hemisphere countries like Kenya and Somalia.

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