Neither jail nor hanging… these are the punishments for rapists in Puranas, there is no salvation even after death

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People are angry over the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. Meanwhile, a case of sexual abuse of schoolgirls has come to light from Badlapur in Maharashtra. Angry people are calling the culprits in these cases cruel and demanding death penalty for them. In such a situation, it is also important to know how big a sin this crime is considered on a mythological basis and what kind of punishment was prescribed for it.

There is no place for rape in a civilized society

In any civilized society, acts like rape and molestation cannot be accepted at all. In India, a country of culture and tradition, rape and sexual misconduct are considered such terrible sins that there is no atonement for them. In many Puranas, there is mention of never getting freedom from this sin despite suffering severe punishment. Garun Purana, Narada Purana, Brahmavaivart Purana, all define rape as a more heinous act than murder and other sins and the explanation of its punishment is quite horrific in all of them.


Punishment for rape in Garun Purana

In Garun Purana, rape is considered a grave sin. According to this, the person who rapes someone has to suffer harsh and extremely painful punishments in hell after death. Garun Purana describes special hells for such sinners, where they are given unbearable tortures for their sins. Those who commit such sins have to face not only physical but also mental and spiritual pain. There is no way to get rid of the sin of rape, even in the harshest penance.

The punishment given for a person who commits rape in a verse of Garun Puran is terrifying. The special thing is that the sinner not only gets this punishment while alive on earth, but also has to suffer this punishment in hell.

The sinful man who is attached to the form of a woman in copper
He will be cooked in a dreadful hell as long as the Moon and the Sun

‘The punishment for a person who commits misdeed is very severe. He should be made to embrace a woman statue made of copper (hot iron) and then give up his life in this manner. His soul that leaves his body should suffer a terrible hell as long as the sun and moon exist.’ The meaning of this shloka is that the punishment for misdeed is such that even death penalty would fall short.

Misdemeanor convictions

Punishment for immoral sex in Mahabharata

In Mahabharata too, adultery (unmarried relationship or immoral sex) is considered a grave sin, and severe punishment is also mentioned for it. The importance of following religious and social rules has been repeatedly mentioned in this epic, and it has been said that a person who commits adultery will not get any place in the society. In the Shanti Parva of Mahabharata, there is a mention of punishment given for adultery and other sins. It is said that a person who commits adultery has to face severe consequences from social and religious point of view.

And he should never despise the objects, the objects of righteousness, the desires, nor be fooled by Hari.
The king should kill anyone who desires to have an enemy who deviates from the path of righteousness (Mahabharata, Shanti Parva)

Meaning: ‘One should never disrespect Dharma, Artha, and Kama. A foolish person who acts contrary to Dharma and indulges in adultery should be punished by the king.’

It is said in Mahabharata that it is the duty of the king to punish adulterers so that morality and righteousness remain in the society. For such crimes, not only worldly punishment is mentioned but also spiritual punishment and severe torture in the underworld. Mahabharata says that adultery causes great damage to the social and family structure, it breaks the smallest unit of the country, the family. Such a criminal has to live a tainted life in the society.

Punishment for rape and adultery in Shiv Puran

The Shiva Purana also considers adultery (unmarried or immoral sex) as one of the grave sins, and describes severe punishment for it. An important verse in the Shiva Purana for adultery is mentioned as follows:

He who abandons righteousness and worships an adulteress
That man has fallen into this world and into hell without any sin

Meaning: ‘The person who abandons religion and associates with a woman who has immoral relations, falls in this world and goes to hell without any doubt.’ That woman also becomes a part of hell. The first punishment a person who commits adultery gets is infamy. The second punishment is social degradation and boycott, the third punishment is death and the fourth punishment is the severe tortures of hell.

The Shiva Purana, Garuda Purana, and many other scriptures mention the punishments and penalties that a person who commits adultery in hell receives are very severe.

Embracing the Hot Iron Statue: The sinner of adultery has to embrace a hot iron statue of a man or woman. This is a very painful punishment. The sinner has to endure such pain that it is believed that the burning he has given to the victim should also be experienced by him.

Pouring into a cauldron of hot oil: According to Garuda Purana, an adulterous person is taken to hell after death and is put into a cauldron of hot oil. He is continuously burnt in this oil, causing immense pain to his soul.

Lying on a hot iron bed: The person who commits adultery is made to lie on a hot iron bed in hell. This bed is so hot that the soul of the person experiences unbearable burning and pain.

Running in Dandakaranya (Thorny Forest): The sinner has to pass through a thorny forest, where the thorns prick his body and cause him pain.

Gnawed by insects in hell: The soul of an adulterous person is punished by being bitten and gnawed by insects, snakes, and other poisonous creatures of hell. This suffering is extremely painful.

Drinking hot metal: Garuda Purana states that a person who commits adultery is made to drink hot molten metal in hell, which causes unbearable burning and pain to his soul.

Misdemeanor convictions

Punishment for the evil-doer in Narada Purana

According to Narada Purana, a person who commits misdeeds is presented in the court of Yamraj, where his sins are accounted for. For this crime, he is sent to a terrible hell, where he is given unbearable pain and torture.

Harsh tortures in hell: The evildoer is sent to a very terrible hell, where he has to endure sufferings that torment his soul for a long time.

Difficult Life in Reincarnation: It is also mentioned in Narada Purana that due to the sin of misdeeds, a person has to live in very difficult circumstances in the next birth. He is born in a low class and vagina, and his life is full of sorrow and suffering.

Social Disgrace: Due to this sin, a person has to face humiliation and contempt in the society. He never gets forgiveness for his deeds in the society and he always remains a victim of the wrath of the society. It is also said in Narada Purana that it becomes very difficult for a person who commits a heinous crime like rape to get the grace of God. As a penance, he has to do severe penance and repent with a true heart, but still his sin is so big that he has to suffer its ill effects for many births.

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