Navy will soon get second nuclear submarine…know the power of INS Arighat

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India’s naval strength is going to increase manifold. Indigenous nuclear submarine will soon join the Navy. Its name is INS Arighat. Many trials have been done for this. Many types of new upgrades have been made in it. There were many technical problems in the beginning but all these have been resolved.

This submarine of the Indian Navy, which runs on nuclear fuel and is equipped with nuclear ballistic missiles, is a state-of-the-art SSBN of the Arihant class. It has been built at the Shipbuilding Center located in Visakhapatnam. Its displacement is 6000 tons. The length is about 113 meters. The beam is 11 meters and draft is 9.5 meters.

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Can go to depth of 1400 feet, 12 SLBM missiles deployed

It can go to a depth of 980 to 1400 feet under water. The range is unlimited. That means, if there is food supply and maintenance, it can remain in the sea for an unlimited time. 12 K15 SLBMs have been deployed at INS Arighat. The range of submarine launched ballistic missile is 750 kilometers.

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INS Arighat, Indian Navy, Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine

Equipped with such missiles, torpedoes and landmines that the enemy will tremble.

It also has four K4 missiles, whose range is 3500 km. Apart from this, this submarine is fitted with six 21 inch torpedoes. Apart from this, there are many torpedo tubes, which will be used for laying torpedoes, missiles or sea mines. There is a nuclear reactor installed inside this submarine, which with nuclear fuel will give this submarine a speed of 28 km/hr on the surface and 44 km/hr underwater.

He will be in charge of the security of both parts of the country.

With INS Arihant and now this submarine joining the Navy, the coasts on both sides of the country will be safe from enemy attacks. Neither Pakistan nor China will dare to attack because of the presence of this submarine. Not only this, India is also preparing to build a third nuclear submarine.

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