Mental Health: Fear of heights! Is this acrophobia? Learn about the symptoms and how to avoid them

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For most people, climbing a mountain or looking down from a height may be scary, but this fear of heights can bring terrible fear to people. This fear is called acrophobia. In fact, it is a psychological state. People have a deep fear in their hearts. As soon as they reach a height, they start to feel dizzy, their bodies start to tremble, and they start to get nervous. Many people even develop panic attacks because of climbing heights.

Many people have a fear of heights. According to a study published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders, this also occurs due to genetic reasons. At the same time, people with anxiety problems can also show symptoms of acrophobia. Acrophobia can also be caused by traumatic experiences related to heights, such as falls, accidents, or seeing others go through traumatic events related to heights.

Symptoms of acrophobia

1. Fear of heights can cause both physical and mental symptoms. Symptoms of fear of heights include dizziness or mild headaches, sweating, rapid heartbeat, trembling, nausea or stomach upset, difficulty breathing, dry mouth, and feeling dizzy or weak.

2. Fear or nervousness when climbing heights, or even fear or nervousness at the thought of being at heights, irritability or excitement, a sense of isolation, and excessive vigilance are the mental symptoms of acrophobia.

How to Get Rid of Fear of Heights

1. It is important to understand the nature of acrophobia and how it affects you physically and mentally. It is important to understand the physical and psychological aspects of acrophobia and the common misconceptions about the condition.

2. To get rid of your fear of heights, start exposing yourself to heights. Like standing on a small ladder or looking out from a low balcony. This will reduce your fear.

3. Deep breathing exercises and meditation are very helpful in reducing fear of heights. So, make it a habit to do these things every day.

4. Negative thoughts about heights can increase acrophobia. So stop thinking about falling and focus on the positive.

5. Acrophobia can also be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. It is also called CBT therapy or talk therapy. In this case, negative thoughts can be controlled through conversation to control overload.

6. Exposure therapy can also help to avoid fear of heights. In this type of therapy, you, together with a therapist, gradually expose yourself to the things you are afraid of. Then, the fear of heights gradually begins to decrease.

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