A man has earned Rs 40,000 in a week at the Maha Kumbh mela in Prayagraj with zero investment. He sells datun — teeth-cleaning twig — to the devotees and has credited his girlfriend for the creative approach to earning money at the religious gathering.
The man, in a blue jacket holding a bunch of datun in his right hand, exudes simplicity and affection, explaining his business idea in a video now going viral on social media.
He says, he came to the Maha Kumbh Mela to earn some money and has so far made Rs 40,000. Asked who gave him the idea, he credited his girlfriend with a big smile on his face, saying, “Mera girlfriend.”
He goes on to share how his girlfriend suggested selling datun, a product that requires no investment, and that he could take it for free to sell. “Uski ki bajah se hum itna paisa kama liye” (I have earned so much because of her), he says, his gratitude shining through.
People on social media loved his honesty, his love for his partner, and how he took no time to credit her.
“Never ditch or cheat such a wonderful girlfriend,” wrote one user.
“Speaking the truth with so much innocence. You have reached the top of success on the path of life,” commented another.
Someone wrote, “Behind every successful man, there’s a strong woman. It’s also great to see him giving full credit to his girlfriend.”
Maha Kumbh Mela, the world’s largest religious gathering, started on January 13 and will continue until February 26 in Prayagraj. Over 27 crore people have taken the holy dip in the Triveni Sangam – the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and mythical Saraswati.
Over the next few days and weeks, the authorities are preparing to receive more pilgrims at the grand gathering.