Lived together for 7 years, came to know the bride’s big secret a day before the wedding, and then…

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It is said that love is such a thing that once it truly happens to someone, the person accepts it as it is. In such a situation, even the shortcomings of your love start appearing as virtues. Recently, something similar happened with a man named Yoshitaka from Japan when he met his love at the age of 29.

Revealed due to Corona virus

A woman named Aki used to run a Japanese-style bar. After a short conversation with Aki, Yoshitaka realized that he had started liking her. Both were already married but their marriages had ended and they were raising their children alone. Aki told Yoshitaka that she was 44 years old. That means there was a difference of 15 years between the two. But she also looked very young in skin and behavior. Their relationship lasted for seven years and finally the wedding day was about to come. This was the year 2020 and the era of Corona virus.

The man was shocked after knowing the truth

In such a situation, Aki felt that he too might have corona and Yoshitaka would have to take him to the doctor. To avoid any confusion during the conversation with the doctor, Aki decided to reveal a secret to Yoshitaka. Aki felt that after knowing this truth, maybe Yoshitaka would break this relationship because I kept him under the shadow of lies for a long time but still he decided to tell the truth. She told that she is not 15 but 25 years older than him and at present her age is about 61 years.

Got married and traveling together

After knowing this truth, Yoshitaka was surprised but he said – I don’t care about your age. I just feel bad why you didn’t tell me earlier. There was no need to remain worried for so long. After this, both of them got married and decided to leave their jobs and travel across the country.

Yoshitaka and Aki’s story first went viral in 2021 when it made headlines in Japan and China, but it recently resurfaced after it was published by Japanese newspaper Bunshun Online. The 65-year-old woman told the publication One reason she kept her real age a secret from Yoshitaka was because Japanese society was against older women dating or marrying younger men.

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