Learning to drive? Five crucial tips to truly master your car

Indian roads demand a focus on safe driving principles. New drivers can navigate these complexities by familiarising themselves with their vehicle’s c

Familiarising with vehicle’s controls, adjusting mirrors and seating for optimal comfort and visibility, practising smooth control at slower speeds and prioritising adherence to traffic regulations can help eliminate complexities while learning driving (HT_PRINT)

Everyone knows that starting something new can be tough. Whether it’s music lessons or a new sport, those first steps can feel overwhelming. Driving is no exception! You might feel lost at first, but remember, even racing champions like Michael Schumacher and Lewis Hamilton started somewhere. 

This guide will be your co-pilot, offering some handy tips to navigate those first exciting (and maybe a little nerve-wracking) moments behind the wheel. Let’s jump in and learn some essential driving skills for beginners!

First Published Date: 30 Jun 2024, 09:00 AM IST

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