Last year in September, the earth trembled due to a mysterious earthquake for 9 days… now the real reason is known

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In the month of September 2023, a 650 feet high wave arose in Dickson Fjord in East Greenland. This wave was moving back and forth. Like if you take water in a bowl and shake it left and right. Due to this, mysterious earthquakes were occurring in the upper layer of the earth i.e. the crust. These earthquakes were felt continuously for 9 days.

The wave of these earthquakes spread all over the world. Scientists were surprised as to where these earthquakes were coming from. What is the reason for their occurrence? Satellite and ground imagery revealed that the upper part of a high mountain near Dixon Fjord became unbalanced due to climate change. The glacier beneath it was melting and breaking rapidly from within. This study will be conducted on 12 September 2024. Science Is published in the journal.

Geologist Kristian Svenvig of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) said that this was a surprising incident. No one had any idea where these earthquake signals were coming from.

This is the story of the earthquake

What actually happened was that the glacier in Dixon Fjord was melting from below. The water present in front of it has two parts. The first layer is of cold clear water. But deep down there is warm salty water. Due to this, large pieces of ice were breaking off from the glacier and falling into the fjord. Due to this, high waves of water were rising. About 650 feet high.

Mysterious Earthquake, Mega Tsunami, Greenland Fjord

When such a high wave of water moves back and forth in a large area, it will have an effect on the upper layer of the earth. Due to this, the earthquake measuring machines will think that there is a continuous earthquake somewhere. Therefore, for 9 consecutive days, earthquake waves were visible on the earthquake measuring monitoring station. It was spreading all over the world.

There was another reason for the mega tsunami in Fjord. The top of the mountain above it became unbalanced and fell down. Due to which 25 million cubic meters of rocks and snow came down. This is an area equal to 10 thousand swimming pools built in the Olympics. These fell directly in Fjord. Due to which the tsunami got more strength.

Mysterious Earthquake, Mega Tsunami, Greenland Fjord

What are jords?

The valleys between the high mountains in Greenland are called fjords. These are connected to the sea water. Also, there are a large number of glaciers on the mountains above them. These are extremely huge. When these break, a huge tsunami occurs in the fjord.

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