Kim Jong Un again showed brutality, hanged 30 officials who failed to prevent floods and landslides: Report

Kim Jong Un again showed brutality, hanged 30 officials who failed to prevent floods and landslides: Report

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un recently sentenced 20 to 30 officials to death for failing to prevent heavy floods and landslides in the country. About 4,000 people died in this flood and more than 15,000 people had to migrate. According to South Korean media, Kim ordered the death penalty to the officials on charges of corruption and dereliction of duty.

were hanged together

According to TV Chosun’s report, 20 to 30 officials were hanged together in the flood-affected area. Earlier, media reports had come that Kim had announced severe punishment for these officials. But now the matter of hanging is coming to the fore. However, the names of the officials who have been hanged have not been disclosed. According to media reports, after the flood, the officials were worried about when their turn would come.

Also read: Kim Jong gave death sentence to a person for watching a film of a neighbouring country in North Korea

Kim met the flood victims

Last month, Kim inspected flood-affected areas. During this time, Kim denied reports that thousands of people had died across the country due to floods.

This is not the first time Kim has taken such a decision

This is not the first time Kim has ordered executions for alleged failures. According to reports, in 2019, North Korea’s nuclear ambassador Kim Hyok Chol was hanged for not facilitating a summit between Kim and President Donald Trump with the US. North Korea has a long tradition of public executions. Before the pandemic, an average of 10 executions were carried out each year, but last year the number rose to at least 100, according to the Korea Times.

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