ITC Hotel debuted on BOURSES for the first time; it is planned to expand the investment portfolio to more than 200 properties within 5 years

2025-01-29 16:57:00 :

New Delhi, New Delhi, ITC Hotel on January 29 (PTI)-New entities after the diversified group ITC LTD listed on Wednesday on Wednesday-indicate that the plan to expand its investment portfolio to more than 200 hotels to exceed 200 hotels to exceed 200 hotels to exceed more than 200 hotel The next five years of hotels.

At present, ITC Hotels operates more than 140 properties in more than 90 locations.

“The first debut of zero DEBT balance sheet and cash/cash equivalent BleakITC Hotels said: “In order to meet the plan’s growth and emergency requirements, itchl has now listed 15 billion rupees, and now it is listed on the stock exchange to conduct transactions.”

ITC LTD retains 40 % of ITCHL shares, while the remaining 60 % are distributed between existing shareholders.

Sanjiv Puri, chairman of ITC Hotels LTD, delivered a speech on the NSE listing plan: “Today is indeed a milestone moment in the ITC journey. Listing ITC Hotel is not only a new chapter of the ITC group hotel business, but also a bold step. We are committed to creating lasting value for all stakeholders, because ITC Hotels embarked on this new journey, and it is committed to achieving new global benchmarks in the hotel, and at the same time rooted in its sustainable and inclusive vision. ”

Anil Chadha, managing director of ITC Hotels LTD, said: “Our goal is to become the global leader of Indian hotels. This is the core spiritual drive of our customer -centric, high performance and sustainable commitment.”

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ITC Hotels LTD has the investment portfolio of six brands-ITC hotels and souvenirs in luxury spaces, UPPER high-end Welcomhotel, Storii in the field of Boutique, a high-end experience in Midscale, Midscale’s Fortune and Welcomheritage In Heritag E leisure.

“Today, ITC Hotels operate more than 140 properties in more than 90 locations, with more than 13,000 keys. It plans to expand its investment portfolio to more than 200 hotels with more than 18,000 keys in the next five years and owns more than 18,000 keys and owns. About 2/3rds’s hosted property.

It opened 30 hotels in the last 24 months (as of December 31, 2024), and added the goal of at least one hotel per month in the next 24 months.

List stock Bleak188 on BSE, starting trading on NSE Bleak180.

Later, the stock fell 5 % Bleak178.60 on BSE.

In NSE, it reduced by 3 % Bleak172. The company’s market valuation stands Bleak39,126.02 million.

The Demerger of the ITC hotel business took effect on January 1, 2025, and January 6 is designated as the record date. This moves the ITC hotel with the parent entity.

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Buriness NewsCompaniesnewsitc is made on BourSes for the first time; it is planned to expand the investment portfolio to more than 200 properties within 5 years


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