Israel under attack: Houthi armed forces show video of new hypersonic missile Palestine-2, Israel is attacked for this

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Yemen’s Houthi rebels have unveiled the hypersonic missile they used to attack the Israeli capital Tel Aviv. The name of this new surface-to-surface missile is Palestine-2. The missile has a maximum speed of 19,756 km/h. Its range is said to be 2,150 km.

This is a two-stage solid fuel powered hypersonic missile. It was recently inducted into the Yemeni army. Its speed is Mach 16. This means 19756 kilometers per hour. No air defense system in the world can stop a missile flying at this speed. In addition to this, these missiles are highly maneuverable.

Also read: Houthi rebels launch hypersonic missile at Israel, reaching 2,040 kilometers per hour in 11 minutes

Watch a video of this new missile below

This means that it can change direction mid-course. This means that interceptor missiles from air defense systems can be deceived in the air itself and can move at high speeds. Depending on the characteristics of this missile, it could be dangerous to Israel, US bases in the Middle East, warships, and merchant ships.

Israel was attacked by this missile on September 15.

On September 15, 2024, the Houthi rebels attacked Israel with a hypersonic missile. The missile flew 2,040 kilometers in just 11 and a half minutes. All day long the world was amazed at where the Houthi rebels got this technology, and now it is said that the Houthi rebels have developed this missile.

Also read: The US is installing the Marko hypersonic missile on all fighter jets, and the situation for Russia and China will worsen

Israeli PM Netanyahu threatens Yemen

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said the Houthis will pay a heavy price for this. Previously, some people suspected that the Yemeni Houthis might obtain such a powerful ballistic missile from Iran. But Iran’s master rejected this. He made it clear that no such missiles or technology were provided to Yemen. Iran also has the Fateh-1 hypersonic missile with a range of 1,400 kilometers. It can’t go that far.

Israel claims – hypersonic speeds have been achieved for some time

Meanwhile, Israel says no hypersonic ballistic missiles have ever harmed us. All of these missiles are ballistic missiles, but they have reached hypersonic speeds for some time during their flight. Of all the missiles fired, only 20 landed in open areas. No one was injured.

Also read: Revolver that fires hypersonic missiles… Could Boeing’s new weapon prove to be a boon for India?

Yemen Houthi armed forces Palestine-2 hypersonic missile Israel
This is the Kinjal hypersonic missile mounted underneath a Russian Su-35 fighter jet. (Photo: Getty)

The problem is that the USS Michael Murphy, USS Frank E. Petersel and USS Paul Knight, which were in the Red Sea on their way from Yemen to Israel, were unable to stop the missile. Neither the Israeli nor the Saudi air defenses were able to stop it.

What is a hypersonic missile?

Hypersonic missiles are weapons that fly at five times the speed of sound. That means at least Mach 5. In simple terms, they travel at speeds of 6,100 km/h or more. Their ability to change speed and direction is so precise and powerful that it is impossible to track and kill them.

Also read: US bans PAK’s missile program… accused of stealing technology from China

Yemen Houthi armed forces Palestine-2 hypersonic missile Israel
This is China’s hypersonic missile DF-17.

Can all missiles be hypersonic?

Generally speaking, cruise missiles or ballistic missiles are very fast. But you can track them based on their specific direction and the path they are traveling. You can shoot them down. If they are increased to 6,100 kilometers per hour and equipped with a deflection device, then they will also become hypersonic.

How many types of hypersonic weapons are there?

There are two main types of hypersonic weapons. First – gliding vehicles, that is, vehicles that float in the air. Second – cruise missiles. The current focus of world attention is on gliding vehicles. Behind them is placed a small missile. Then it is released from a missile launcher. The missile separates after a certain distance. After that the glider easily attacks the flying target. These weapons are usually equipped with scramjet engines that use oxygen in the air to fly quickly. This gives it a fixed speed and altitude.

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