Ismail Haniya’s murder, announcement of revenge and preparations for war… America wants to take advantage of the Iran-Israel war.

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Iran-Israel Tension & Hidden Interests of America: Seeing the possibility of war between Iran and Israel, this time also America has deployed its war fleet in the Gulf. But the question is, is Israel doing all this just to maintain friendship with Israel? Or maybe there is some hidden meaning behind it too. This question also arises because understanding and knowing America’s strategy is not within everyone’s reach.

America stands with Israel
After the death of Hamas chief Ismail Haniya, Iran and Israel may have once again come face to face, but there are many other meanings behind the deepening cloud of war in the Middle East. And among these, America, one of the most powerful countries in the world, has its own interests at the top. Actually America wants change of regime in Iran. But for this it can neither directly interfere in Iran’s internal affairs nor attack it, in such a situation it stands with Iran’s enemy number one Israel and claims to support it in every situation. Has also been doing. This time too, America is continuously helping Israel in the ongoing tension and military action between Israel and Hamas and Iran.

America’s business interests
Now the question arises that why is America keeping an eye on Iran? And why does he want regime change in Iran? So the answer is that America’s business interests are hidden behind the change of regime in Iran and it knows that without removing Ayatollah Ali Khamenei from the post of Supreme Leader of Iran, its dominance in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot be maintained. Nor can business interests be fulfilled. This is the reason why America has imposed massive sanctions on Iran and all kinds of trade with Iran is closed. Even the countries that have trade relations with Iran have been maintaining distance and imposing sanctions on them.

This is America’s real purpose
Iran has large reserves of oil and gas. In fact, Iran has the world’s third largest oil reserves, whereas in terms of gas it is at second place. Apart from this, Iran is also full of precious minerals. The place where Iran is located in the Middle East also makes it very important geographically. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Turkey, Armenia and Russia share borders with Iran. In such a situation, it can not only benefit commercially from its dominance in Iran, but can also strengthen itself strategically in the Middle East by getting closer to many countries simultaneously. And the truth is that strengthening oneself strategically, that is, militarily, in the Middle East also means strengthening oneself commercially.

America wants new power in Iran
On top of that, the way Iran has mobilized against America and its supporting forces in the Middle East is also irritating America. Many nearby countries and extremist organizations there are with Iran. For example, Houthi in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Palestine and many militias in Iraq are supporting Iran. And of course these are small organizations compared to any country, but the way they are scattered in a large area of ​​the Middle East and the way they have been continuously opposing America, Israel and European countries, that too America Salta. In such a situation, America’s main objective is to establish a new power in Iran.

Enmity between America and Iran
There has been a relationship of hostility between Iran and America for the last four decades. Experts say that in 1953, America and Britain tried to remove the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran and strengthen the Shah, the son of Iran’s former powerful ruler. After this, the Islamic Revolution took place in 1979, which overthrew the Shah and he had to flee the country. America admitted Shah to the hospital for cancer treatment, but this angered his opponents in Iran. And the Americans present in the American Embassy in the capital Tehran were taken prisoner. Then in 1980, President Jimmy Carter ordered an operation to save him, which failed. Later America started supporting Iraq to weaken Iran. They provided intelligence inputs during the war and thus the enmity between America and Iran continued to deepen.

Tension in relations between Iran and America
Now, the way America has started deploying its warships and warships in the Middle East with full promptness during the ongoing conflict between Iran and Israel, it also gives a glimpse of what is the state of relations between Iran and America. The price is bitter.

America started tremendous preparations
In view of the possibility of Iran’s attack on Israel, America has started tremendous preparations. As a precaution, the US Defense Department Pentagon has deployed a Carrier Strike Group i.e. aircraft carrier in this area. And along with this, fighter jet squadrons, cruisers and destroyers have also been deployed on the front. The USS Abraham Lincoln Aircraft Carrier Group has been sent to the Middle East and the USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group already in the Middle East has been recalled. And this deployment is proof of how the risk of war between Iran and Israel is increasing.

large scale military mobilization
This is the first time after the attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 and the ongoing Israeli retaliatory action on Gaza, when military mobilization is going on in the area on such a large scale. The Pentagon initially deployed two carrier strike groups to the region to respond and control organizations like Hamas, Houthi and Hezbollah, but additional deployments are now underway.

Claim of Israel’s help in every situation
Apart from this, America has sent destroyers and cruisers equipped with ballistic missile defense systems in the Middle East and Mediterranean Sea. Two American destroyers were involved in stopping the Iranian missile attack against Israel in April this year. Pentagon has also made it clear that the Missile Defense Force has also been put on alert. And this decision is proof that America is ready to help Israel in any situation. America says that it does not want to promote war in the Middle East, but it also does not want to do less in helping Israel.

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