Is Russia extracting organs from the dead bodies of soldiers and selling them? Ukrainian soldier’s wife made serious allegations

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The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for a long time. The situation is such that neither Russia is ready to step back nor Ukraine is ready to kneel down. Meanwhile, the wife of a Ukrainian prisoner of war has made very serious allegations against Putin’s army.

The wife of a Ukrainian prisoner of war named Larisa Saleeva has accused Russia of stealing the organs of dead soldiers and selling them. Larisa, head of the Freedom to Defenders of Mariupol group, claims that many organs of the Ukrainian soldiers whose dead bodies were returned by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s army are missing. However, according to sources, Russia has denied these allegations and called it a conspiracy.

Larisa made these claims during a meeting held in Turkey. Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Vasyl Bodnar was also present in this meeting. According to the report of Ukraine Today, Larisa claimed in this meeting that the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers we found were not only badly tortured before being killed, but many of their organs were also missing.

Let us tell you that there are more than 10 thousand Ukrainian soldiers in the custody of Russia. Saleeva believes that Russia is connected to a black market in organ transplantation. He said that a black market for organ transplantation is operating in Russia and unfortunately this is happening with Ukrainian prisoners of war. He said that the whole world needs to come together to stop this crime.

Meanwhile, the mother of a Ukrainian soldier also told about the deteriorating condition of the returned soldiers and said that our returned soldiers have become very thin and they need immediate medical attention.

What did Russia say?

Russia is accused of misbehaving with civilians and prisoners. Besides, he has also been accused of violating the Geneva Convention and humanitarian laws. It is estimated that there are still more than 10 thousand Ukrainians in Russian captivity, including both soldiers and civilians.

Russia has rejected the allegations of stealing and selling the organ and called it a conspiracy to defame the Russian army. According to the report of The Daily Mail, Russia has described an attempt by fake Ukrainian citizens to create hatred towards Russia.

The Geneva Convention states that after a conflict there should be an exchange of bodies and prisoners. However, exchanges between Russia and Ukraine have continued since the beginning of the war. Recently there was an exchange of dead bodies in June.

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