Preparations for Mahakumbh 2025 are in full swing in Prayagraj (Maha Kumbh Mela district), Uttar Pradesh. Meanwhile, the Railway Ministry has dismissed reports that passengers will be allowed to travel on trains for free during the upcoming Kumbh Mela as baseless and misleading. The Ministry of Railways made it clear that they have made no such provision.
What does the railway department say?
A statement issued by Indian Railways said, “It has come to the attention of Indian Railways that some media are broadcasting news that passengers will be allowed to travel free during the Kumbh Mela.” Indian Railways categorically denies these reports as they are completely baseless and misleading. ”
Traveling without a ticket is illegal
The statement issued by the railway company also stated that according to regulations, traveling on trains without a ticket is completely prohibited and is illegal. No free travel facility is provided during Mahakumbh Mela or any other occasion. The Railways said that it will make every effort to ensure uninterrupted travel facilities to passengers during Mahakumbh. Considering that a large number of passengers may travel during Mahakumbh, the railways is making arrangements to set up special passenger areas, add ticket counters and other necessary facilities.
When does Mahakumbh start?
Prayagraj Mahakumbh in Uttar Pradesh will begin on Makar Sankranti 2025 and will continue till February 26, 2025. A new zone has also been created in the Mahakumbh Mela area for this event. The UP government led by CM Yogi expects around 400 million devotees from across the world to attend Mahakumbh. (input language)
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