“India’s influence now…” China was delighted with the arrival of the left-wing president in Sri Lanka and began to make such propaganda

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Sri Lanka’s new President Anura Kumar Dissanayake was sworn in on Monday. Dissanayake is the first left-wing leader in the country to reach such a top position. After he came to power, Sri Lanka’s foreign policy underwent major changes. It is speculated that apart from India, Dissanayake will also strengthen relations with China. Some speculate that he may be leaning toward China due to ideological similarities with China. Chinese state-run newspaper Global Times also said in an article that Dissanayake could boost relations with China.

Chinese newspapers also gleefully claimed that Sri Lanka’s dependence on India would decrease with Dissanayake coming to power. After making such remarks, the Global Times reminded Indian and Western media to rush to analyze Sri Lanka’s possible attitude towards India.

“Global Times” named several Indian media outlets that wrote hastily writing articles claiming that the National People’s Power Party led by Dissanayake has “anti-India records and pro-China tendencies.”

The Global Times further wrote in the name of another newspaper that “a newspaper used Sri Lanka’s debt crisis as an issue in order to create a rift between China and Sri Lanka.” The newspaper claimed that while India wanted to restructure Sri Lanka to reduce its debt, China had no interest.

The newspaper quoted Long Xingchun, a professor at the School of International Relations at Sichuan International Studies University, as saying, “India’s attempt to weaken Sino-Sri Lanka relations through the so-called debt trap shows the mentality of superpower competition.” This shows India’s ambition to seek regional hegemony and also shows India is extremely concerned about its declining influence in South Asia.

India’s Neighborhood First Policy Is Poisoned

India’s foreign policy gives priority to neighboring countries, which is the “neighborhood first” policy. This policy is followed by almost all governments in the country and even in the foreign policy of the current Narendra Modi government, neighboring countries come first. This year, Prime Minister Modi was sworn in for the third time. Under this policy, heads of state from almost all neighboring countries were invited to attend the swearing-in ceremony.

But while writing ridiculous words, Chinese newspapers said that India pursues an “India First” policy.

The newspaper wrote that India has long regarded South Asia as its sphere of influence and insists on following the “India First” policy of countries in the region. However, this hegemonic thinking is not in line with the interests and development needs of South Asian countries such as Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan. What these countries need most is to enhance their own strength and improve their economy. Cooperation with China is undoubtedly a good choice.

The Global Times further wrote that Sri Lanka was one of the first countries to welcome and join China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative. Colombo Port City and Hambantota Port, key projects of the “One Belt and One Road” initiative, have promoted Sri Lanka’s economic development and improved people’s living standards. This promoted the modernization of the country. The fact is, people want to move in a direction that is good for them too.

When Sri Lanka defaulted on Chinese loans

China provided huge loans to Sri Lanka under the Belt and Road Initiative, and Sri Lanka was once overwhelmed by Chinese debt. By 2022, Sri Lanka’s foreign exchange reserves will be almost exhausted. In May 2022, Sri Lanka declared bankruptcy and is currently unable to repay the loans it must pay.

Sri Lanka’s foreign debt has increased to US$51 billion, with China accounting for the largest share. The island nation has been forced to sell half of Sri Lanka’s central bank’s gold reserves due to a shortage of funds.

During this period, Sri Lanka’s inflation rate has exceeded 17%, and the living conditions of ordinary people have also deteriorated. Many experts blame China’s debt for Sri Lanka’s situation. Experts say that China plays with the sovereignty of various countries and puts them into debt traps.

However, China denies these accusations. China says its Belt and Road projects are just for development work.

The Global Times has previously written an article saying that with the new Sri Lankan government taking office, the “One Belt, One Road” project will accelerate its development.

“Any political party with its own free will…”

The Global Times recently wrote an article stating that South Asian countries have developed into modern countries, and the concept of sovereign equality is taking root in the hearts of the people.

The article wrote, “No country is willing to accept being under India’s sphere of influence, and no political party in neighboring countries is willing to submit to India alone.” India wants its own and only its own regional hegemony, so it is worried about Sri Lanka’s election results and tried to weaken Sino-Sri Lanka relations.

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