Indian Prime Minister: India at the forefront of reforming the UN Security Council

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2024-09-24 13:19:35 : The success of humanity depends on our collective strength, not the battlefield,” Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said today while addressing the United Nations Future Summit, held against the backdrop of raging global conflicts.

Addressing world leaders from the iconic podium of the United Nations General Assembly Hall, Modi began his speech with a “Namaste” and said he was bringing the voices of 1.4 billion Indians, or one-sixth of all humanity, to the United Nations.
A day after world leaders unanimously adopted the Future Pact and its annexes the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration for Future Generations on the opening day of the Future Summit, Modi told the United Nations, “When we discuss the global future, we must prioritize A people-centered approach.”
In his five-minute speech, Modi emphasized that “the success of humanity depends on our collective strength, not the battlefield.”
The Futures Summit, the annual high-level week of the General Assembly, comes amid challenges such as the Israel-Hamas conflict and the war in Ukraine, as well as climate change, inequality and deep geopolitical divisions.
The agreement’s five main focus areas include sustainable development; international peace and security; science and technology; youth and future generations and transforming global governance. It lays the foundation for member states’ actions and commitments to build a safer, more peaceful, sustainable and inclusive world for future generations.
As the United Nations turns 80 next year, the convention highlights the need for reform of global institutions and paths for action in areas such as the Sustainable Development Goals, climate action and artificial intelligence. However, it did not include a timetable for the actions needed to achieve these goals.
Modi stressed that reforms are the key to relevance and that reforms of global institutions are crucial for global peace and development.
He pointed out that the African Union became a permanent member of the G20 at the New Delhi Summit last year under the Indian presidency, “which is an important step in this direction.”
India has been at the forefront of efforts to reform the 15-nation Security Council for years, saying the powerful UN body does not reflect current geopolitical realities and stressing that it deserves a permanent seat at the horseshoe table. India last sat at the top of the United Nations as a non-permanent member in 2021-22.
Modi also called for global action to achieve global ambitions as the world continues to grapple with the threat of terrorism and new challenges.
“On the one hand, terrorism continues to pose a serious threat to global peace and security, but on the other hand, areas such as cyber, ocean and space are becoming new battlefields of conflict,” he said.
“On all these issues, I would like to stress that global action must match global ambition!” he said.
Modi stressed that India has lifted 250 million people out of poverty and demonstrated that sustainable development can be successful, and said India was committed to sharing its experience with the global South.
“When we discuss the global future, we must put a people-centred approach at the forefront,” he said, adding that while prioritizing sustainable development, “we must also ensure human well-being, food and health security.
The Indian leader also stressed the need for balanced regulation globally for safe and responsible use of technology.
“We need global digital governance to ensure that national sovereignty and integrity are maintained,” he said, adding, “Digital public infrastructure should be a bridge, not a barrier!”
United Nations officials and world leaders have been praising India’s digitization drive, which has helped alleviate poverty and brought millions of people into the formal economy through the use of mobile phones and digital models.
Modi said India is ready to share its digital public infrastructure with the world “for the global good.”
For India, “One Planet, One Family, One Future” is a promise, he added. “This commitment is also reflected in our initiatives such as ‘One Planet, One Health’ and ‘One Sun, One World, One Grid’.
He assured the international community that India would continue to work in thought, word and deed to protect the rights of all humanity and global prosperity.
Conflicts are raging from the Middle East to Ukraine and Sudan with “no end in sight,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in his opening speech at the summit, calling for the summit because “our world is heading towards collapse.” “. Railroads – We need to make tough decisions to get back on track. ”
“Our collective security system is threatened by geopolitical divisions, nuclear posture, and new weapons and theater developments. Resources that could have brought opportunity and hope are instead devoted to death and destruction.”
He further stressed that he called on this meeting of world leaders to consider in-depth reforms to make global institutions more legitimate, fair and effective in line with the values of the United Nations Charter.
“I am calling for this summit because 21st century challenges require 21st century solutions: networked and inclusive frameworks; this requires the expertise of all humanity,” he said.
He pointed out that when the United Nations was founded nearly 80 years ago, there were 51 member states, while today it consists of 193 countries.
“Our peace and security instruments and institutions and our global financial architecture therefore reflect a bygone era,” Guterres said.
He warned that the 15-nation UN Security Council was “outdated” and its authority was being eroded and would eventually lose all credibility unless its composition and working methods were reformed.
He said that the Future Pact, the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration for Future Generations opened the way to new possibilities and opportunities. (Ministry of Public Transport)

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