India discovered America, we were taught wrongly… Debate erupts over the statement of MP’s education minister

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Madhya Pradesh’s Higher Education Minister Inder Singh Parmar says that America was discovered by Indians. He said that it was wrongly taught that Columbus discovered America whereas it should have been taught that in the eighth century, Indian navigator Vasulun discovered America and built many temples in San Diego State. These facts are still present in the American museum.

Education Minister mentioned Rigveda

Not only this, Minister Inder Singh Parmar said that ‘the theory of stationary sun was given by scientist Nicholas Copernicus many thousands of years before that, our sages had told about it. Eight thousand years ago, it was written in Rigveda that the moon revolves around its mother planet i.e. the earth and the earth revolves around the sun.’

Connection of China’s capital with India

Higher Education Minister Inder Singh Parmar, while referring to the Chinese capital Beijing, said that he had recently read somewhere the fact that in the 12th century, the design and architecture for the establishment of the Beijing city was made by Balbahu, an architect from Nepal and Nepal was then in India.

What do the books say about the discovery of America

According to the books, America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. Columbus, an explorer, navigator, and colonizer, was born in Italy in 1451. He made four important voyages across the Great Atlantic Ocean and discovered America in 1492. The expenses of this voyage were paid by the Spanish monarchs. After learning of Columbus’ discovery, many countries in Europe sent their sailors to discover America. The first permanent settlement of Europeans in America was established on the island of Hispaniolia, which Columbus settled in 1493 on his second voyage. Also, Jamestown, located in Virginia in the present-day United States, is known as the first English permanent settlement in America.

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