‘If you want to stay in the house, pay the rent,’ the mother ordered her 6, 8 and 9 year old children

‘If you want to stay in the house, pay the rent,’ the mother ordered her 6, 8 and 9 year old children

These days, a strange incident is going viral on social media, in which a mother takes rent from her young children to live in the house. Usually the house is owned. Parents do not take rent from children, especially when the children are 6, 8 and 9 years old. This incident is from America. Where a woman named Samantha Bird takes rent from her 6, 8 and 9 year old children to live in the house.

According to the report of English website ‘The New York Post’, Samantha Bird told on social media that she also charges rent from her young children. The surprising thing is that these children have to pay 6 dollars every month, in which 1 dollar is for house rent, 1 dollar for grocery, and 1 dollar for utility. The remaining 3 dollars are for the children’s own expenses.

Let us tell you, in America, government aid money is also given to children, which is to improve their standard of living and to fulfill their basic needs.

So that children learn money management in childhood

According to Samantha Bird, she does this so that children can understand the value of money. They can learn how much money to spend and how much to save, so that they can stand on their own feet in the future and understand that nothing comes for free in this world.

This incident has forced people to think whether it is right to take such responsibilities from children of this age. This unique method of Samantha has now become the center of discussion on social media.

What was the reaction on social media

According to some, Samantha is teaching children the value of money from childhood and telling them that nothing comes for free in this world. Some said that this burden should not be put on children at such a young age.

One user commented that this way the childhood of children will be lost because they will see money at a very young age. Another wrote that this way children will learn the method of money management in childhood itself.

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