If you are in love, you are getting a leave! This company started dating leave for employees

If you are in love, you are getting a leave! This company started dating leave for employees

In the office world, there is stress of work, worry about targets and many complications. But imagine, if there is an office that takes care of your little joys, as if it is your own. Which understands your needs, supports you and makes your professional life easy. Today we are telling the story of such an office.

In fact, Thailand’s marketing agency Whiteline Group has started ‘Tinder Leave’ for employees, due to which the company became famous in the internet world. The purpose of this unique leave is to increase the well-being and happiness of the employees. Under this initiative running from July to December, employees can take leave for dating at any time. The special thing is that they will also be paid for this. However, the company has not clarified how many days of leave the employees will get.

How will ‘Tinder Leave’ work?

Employees will have to give a notice one week before applying for their Tinder Leave. Whiteline Group said in a LinkedIn post – Our employees can use Tinder Leave to date someone

Why did the company take this decision

The company started this initiative when an employee complained that he was not getting time for dating due to work. The company came up with a solution for this by introducing ‘Tinder Leave’. The company managers, citing a study, said that being in love can increase happiness, which also affects work. When an employee comes to the workplace after dating, he will work with double energy.

The company will also bear the cost of Tinder subscription

To encourage employees to date, the company has also announced that it will cover the cost of Tinder Gold and Tinder Platinum subscriptions for employees for up to six months.

Reaction on social media: There are mixed reactions on social media regarding this move. Some people are considering it a great step for the happiness of the employees. While some are considering it as the company’s interference in work and personal life as well. This step of Whiteline Group is unique and trending.

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