Idea from Dhoom movie, practice of climbing the pole, but… this is how they planned to steal coins worth 15 crores from Bhopal Museum

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The thief who stole coins and other items of archaeological importance worth about 15 crores from the State Museum located in Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh, could not jump over the 25 feet high wall and was caught. In this way a big theft was averted in the museum. During police interrogation, he told that he got the idea of ​​stealing from the museum after watching the movie Dhoom and since he planned to steal from the museum, he had come to the museum many times with his son. Not only this, he also practiced climbing the pillar to jump over the wall.

The thief told that he had entered the State Museum on Sunday afternoon after buying a ticket, after which he hid under the stairs. After a few hours, the museum was locked. Then he came out and saw that some home guards and private guards were also roaming outside. After committing the theft, he tried to jump over a wall of about 25 feet but he was unable to jump. The police suspect that the accused carried out the incident so easily due to the CCTV cameras and alarms installed in the museum being switched off and the doors being weak.

Monday was a holiday and when the employees arrived on Tuesday…

In fact, when the museum staff reached work on Tuesday morning, they were shocked to see the broken locks and empty boxes of the rooms. This information was immediately given to Shyamala Hills police station. When the police reached the museum, they saw that the locks of two rooms were broken, in which gold-silver archaeological jewellery and coins and other items were kept. The museum staff told that the museum was closed on Sunday evening. The museum remains closed on Monday due to holiday, so all the rooms inside the museum are locked and sealed.

MP: Despite tight security and CCTV, a thief entered the state museum, stole coins worth crores and then…

The accused is a resident of Gaya in Bihar

On reaching the spot, the police first locked all the gates of the museum premises and several teams conducted a search operation in the entire premises. During this, the accused was found injured who was unable to jump over the 25 feet wall. When the police asked the accused his name and address, he told his name as Vinod Yadav. He said that he is a resident of Gaya district of Bihar. A bag was found from him, in which gold-silver jewellery and coins stolen from the state museum and other items were found, whose value is about Rs 15 crore.

What was found with the thief?

A total of 98 small and big coins of gold and other metals from the Gupta period to the Mughal period, a total of 75 small and big silver coins, a total of 38 small and big copper coins, a gold medal and 12 small and big medals of mixed metals, priceless articles of silver and mixed metals from the Royal Gallery, whose total value is about Rs. 12 to 15 crores, have been recovered from the accused thief.

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