Bihar MP Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav received death threats from gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. Pappu Yadav has complained to the Bihar police and written to the Union Home Ministry informing the incident. Pappu asked the Interior Ministry to implement “Z” level security. Pappu said, now my security level is “Y” level. But lives are at risk due to ongoing threats. If security was not tightened, I could be murdered at any time.
Pappu Yadav said: “I have received a threat from Lawrence Gang that if I am murdered, the government will be held responsible.” Pappu also asked police to escort him in each area and enforce strict security at the venue.
“The government seems inactive on security”
Pappu said the Lawrence Bishnoi gang continues to create incidents in the country. As a politician, I was against the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, so the gang leader threatened to kill me on my mobile phone. But the government doesn’t seem to be proactive on security. It seems that only after my killing did the Lok Sabha and Parliament actively express condolences. Pappu also stated in the letter that my family and I had been attacked before. Caste criminals, including Nepali Maoist groups, have carried out deadly attacks on several occasions. By the grace of God I am still saved.
Also Read: ‘Stay away from Salman case, I am doing Reiki, I will kill you…’, Pappu Yadav receives nominal threat from Lawrence Gang.
‘Criminals take advantage of lack of security’
Pappu said the Union Home Ministry had placed me under Y Plus (threat) security in 2015 when the Maoists, an extremist group in Nepal, threatened my mobile phone. However, in 2019, my security was downgraded to Category Y. During the Lok Sabha elections, taking advantage of my lack of security, a multiple murderer hurled abuses at me live on Facebook. Came into the house and threatened to kill me. Written information has been provided to the government in this regard. But this was not taken seriously.
‘Instructions to stay away from Salman issue’
Purniya MP Pappu Yadav said he was threatened over the phone and directed to stay away from Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s issues. Pappu Yadav has complained to the Bihar DGP about the matter. According to Pappu Yadav, the person who issued the threat claimed that Lawrence Bishnoi was trying to talk to Pappu Yadav in jail, but the conversation did not happen. According to the caller, Lawrence Bishnoi offered to pay up to Rs 1 lakh to switch off the jail jammer for one hour, but Pappu Yadav could not be reached.