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Home » How to avoid dry brittle hair in the in the summer:  Celebrity hair stylist reveals how to curb frizz and the common mistake people make when flying

How to avoid dry brittle hair in the in the summer:  Celebrity hair stylist reveals how to curb frizz and the common mistake people make when flying

With summer finally upon us, thousands of Britons are looking to jet away for some much-deserved vitamin D.

But one of the downsides of the break British summer is dry hair, which can be caused by flying and sitting in air conditioning.

Temperature, humidity, and water hardness changes can also create an undesirable hair texture, switching once glossy locks for a frizzy mane.

In a panic, many lather on hair oils to curb the frizz, but celebrity hair stylist Gustav Fouche, who lives in London, has explained that there’s much better ways to tame unruly holiday locks.

Speaking exclusively to FEMAIL, Gustav revealed his top tips to keep your hair hydrated this summer, including the common mistake to avoid when flying.

The warm weather is finally here, but with it comes frizzy hair. In conversation with FEMAIL, celebrity hair stylist Gustav Fouche has revealed his top tips to achieve hydrated hair all summer long (stock image)

The warm weather is finally here, but with it comes frizzy hair. In conversation with FEMAIL, celebrity hair stylist Gustav Fouche has revealed his top tips to achieve hydrated hair all summer long (stock image)

First, Gustav warned against using silicone-based frizz ease products, explaining that they can add to the problem.

‘Instead of relying on silicone to control frizz, opt for products that provide high moisture,’ Gustav said.

He added: ‘Silicone can weigh your hair down and create buildup over time, which in turn will cause added frizz and dehydrate your hair.’

The hair stylist added his top tip to combat hair dehydration from flying. ‘The dry cabin air can dehydrate your hair due to osmosis,’ he said.

Gustav added: ‘Keep your hair in a bun or braid during the flight to minimise exposure. Before landing, gently spritz your hair with water to rehydrate and revive it.’

Next, Gustav explained that reaching for hair straighteners on holiday can be a big no.

He explained: ‘Excessive heat can damage your hair, making it brittle and prone to breakage.

‘Embrace natural styles like beach waves and try air drying hair whenever possible. If you must use heat, always use the lowest setting, and limit exposure.’

The celebrity stylist advised holidaymakers to purchase products with amla in - an Indian gooseberry that promotes moisture in hair (stock image)

The celebrity stylist advised holidaymakers to purchase products with amla in – an Indian gooseberry that promotes moisture in hair (stock image) 

To help maintain shiny locks, Gustav advised against brushing wet hair, and if styling with a hairbrush, to make sure it’s not made of metal.

Gustav said: ‘Wet hair is more susceptible to breakage. Instead of brushing, rough dry your hair first to remove excess moisture, then gently detangle with a wide-tooth comb.

‘Metal brushes can overheat and cause damage to your hair. 

‘Use a brush with natural bristles to distribute heat more evenly and reduce the risk of overheating.

Gustav’s next tip was to use a product with amla – an Indian gooseberry that helps maintain the hair’s moisture.

‘Amla, a natural ingredient known for its UV protection properties, can help shield your hair from harmful sun rays,’ he said.

Gustav added: ‘Incorporate products containing amla into your hair care routine for added defence against sun damage.’

He explained two other products that are vital for hair health over summer. Gustav said: ‘Always apply a heat protector spray before styling or blow-drying your hair. 

‘This creates a protective barrier that minimises damage from high temperatures.’

‘Just like the rest of your body, your scalp is vulnerable to sunburn and irritation. 

‘Wear a hat or cap when outdoors, or apply sunscreen specifically designed for the scalp to prevent burns and peeling.’

Gustav’s next tip was to be mindful of pool chlorine. He said: ‘Chlorine can alter your hair colour and cause dryness.

Gustav Fouche’s top tips for maintaining hydrated hair over summer…  

  • Avoid silicon-based products 
  • Spray hair with water before flying 
  • Limit hair styling 
  • Use products with amla in
  • Don’t brush wet hair 
  • Avoid metal brushes 
  • Use heat protectant spray
  • Be mindful of pool chlorine
  • Reduce time in air conditioning
  • Protect scalp with suncream 

‘To prevent this, avoid submerging your hair in chlorinated water or wear a swimming cap to protect it.’

Lastly, the hair stylist said to keep air conditioning exposure to a minimum. 

Gustav said: ‘Air conditioning can dry out your hair. Use it to cool down the room when you are not in it.

‘If you need to be in an air-conditioned environment, make sure to keep your hair hydrated with leave-in conditioners or a hydrating elixir.’

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