Hezbollah’s edicts, Israel’s “secret weapons”… the world is watching the latest war!

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Lebanon pager bombing plot: Before Lebanon, the world had never seen such a massive chain of explosions. The whole world was shocked by these explosions. And the biggest surprise was how these explosions were carried out? At 3:30 pm on September 17, in 6 cities in Lebanon, 3,000 pagers received a message, and the same message caused the pagers to explode. One by one, thousands of pagers exploded like bombs. Everyone remained stunned. Let us tell you the complete story of the world’s newest weapon of war.

The biggest and most unique conspiracy
If the coronavirus of 2020 is a conspiracy and the coronavirus is used as a biological weapon, then it is the biggest conspiracy of the century. But if it is not, believe me, the events that took place on the afternoon of September 17 in different cities of Lebanon and parts of Syria were the biggest attacks of the century and the biggest and most unique conspiracy. Such a conspiracy .. one of the bombs was delivered to 3,000 people at the same time, and they either put it in their pockets, hung it on their waists, or held it in their hands as they wished. In the form of a pager.

Three thousand pagers exploded simultaneously
After that, every 3:30 p.m., suddenly, a message came simultaneously on 3,000 pagers, and along with this mysterious message, there was a beeping sound. Then, when the beeping sound became quiet, there was an explosion. Three thousand simultaneous explosions. The world has never seen such a large-scale, such a large-scale simultaneous explosion. There was hardly any market, store, shopping center, house, office, road and community in about six cities in Lebanon that had not been hit by these explosions. Because three thousand people were unknowingly wandering around different areas of the city carrying bombs in the shape of pagers.

The bloody conspiracy behind the name “Mossad”
On the other hand, this explosion happened in Lebanon, and the name of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad suddenly began to float in the minds and tongues of everyone around the world, just like any science fiction or spy movie, only Mossad could have planned such a precise and dangerous conspiracy. Such a conspiracy of serial explosions, no one could have thought of it before the afternoon of September 17. No one could imagine that in the mobile age, someone could turn a pager into a bomb. But what needs to be considered here is that by the year 2000, pagers had been swallowed up by mobile phones and had become a forgotten memory, and had stopped being used all over the world. The same pager was used by three thousand people at the same time. Why was it in Lebanon? Well, the story of this pager bomb begins here.

Hezbollah members have received this order
It happened on February 13 this year. Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah warned all Hezbollah members on TV. The warning was that every member of Hezbollah should destroy their mobile phones, bury them, or put them in an iron box and lock them. Nasrallah asked to keep this distance from the mobile phone because he received news that Mossad was using mobile phones to find the location of Hezbollah’s main targets and attack them with drones. Several Hezbollah members and commanders were killed in this attack.

Hezbollah bans cell phones
In fact, with the help of new technologies, the current or real-time location of anyone can be easily detected through mobile devices nowadays. For example, the police in our country also detect the presence of criminals at the crime scene by the location of the mobile phone. This means that, in general, mobile devices are such a weapon that can reveal all your secrets. That is why Nasrallah asked every member and commander of Hezbollah to smash their mobile phones and throw them away or bury them so that Mossad cannot contact them through their mobile phones.

Use the pager to view contacts and messages
But the question is, if there are no mobile phones, then how can everyone from the top leaders of Hezbollah to the ordinary members contact and send messages to each other? Therefore, after this, the pager, which appeared in the 90s and has now disappeared, was chosen to solve this problem. The reason for choosing a pager is that it does not operate through any satellite like mobile phones. It works almost the same as the police use radio equipment. That is, as a radio receiver. Just as a mobile phone has a phone number, a pager also has a number. Another person who has a pager with the same number sends him a message. In the form of a text.

Pager is also called buzzer
There is a small screen on the pager. The text appears on the same screen. Just like when a cell phone rings, you know that someone is calling, similarly, whenever a message is received on a pager, it is accompanied by a beeping sound. By hearing the beeping sound, you know that a new message has arrived. This is why many people also call pagers buzzers. That said, the biggest advantage of this type of pager is that since it is a radio receiver, the location of the pager cannot be known.

Order from Taiwan Golden Apollo Company
In order to avoid Mossad, Hezbollah found that pagers were the best way to pass information within the organization. After that, in March this year, Hezbollah ordered 3,000 pagers from Taiwan Golden Apollo, the world’s leading pager manufacturing company. Mossad was also reportedly infiltrated into Hezbollah, and thanks to the same infiltrator, the news of ordering such a large number of pagers reached Mossad and then the Israeli military. Mossad learned that Hezbollah would now use pagers instead of mobile phones. From here, Mossad began its plan.

This is how every pager explodes
The pager model sent to Lebanon was AP924. When assembling the pager parts, Mossad installed about 30 grams of PETN explosives next to the pager battery. Like mobile phones, pagers also have batteries. Pagers generally use double-A or triple-A batteries. The new pagers that are coming out use lithium batteries. When lithium batteries get too hot during charging, they sometimes smoke or explode. Mossad took advantage of this. He placed PETN explosives right in front of this battery. But this explosive attached to the battery will only explode when activated. Mossad cracked this problem, too. He installed a program in the pager and linked it to a code message. This means that once these code messages reach these 3,000 pagers, the pagers will beep, the batteries will heat up, and then the PETN will explode.

Mossad keeps tabs on all pagers
After all these preparations, all these pagers arrived in Lebanon via Europe in April and May of this year. After arriving in Lebanon, these three thousand pagers were distributed to Hezbollah people. Some pages also reached Hezbollah members in Syria and Iran. With the advent of pagers, Hezbollah now uses it to send and receive messages. Mossad has been keeping an eye on them. Now this information has also reached Mossad, and 3000 pagers have reached 3000 hands of Hezbollah. Now all we have to do is send a message to Mossad. For this, the date and time have been selected. The time when the pagers are used the most is recorded.

Pager explosion injures 2,700, kills 11
The date and time was 3:30 p.m. on September 17. The same mysterious message was sent to three thousand pagers at the same time, and the pagers began to beep, and then with the same beep, three thousand explosions occurred simultaneously in different cities in Lebanon. About 2,700 Hezbollah members were injured in these explosions. So far, 11 of them have died.

Iranian ambassador also injured
The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon may have also been with some members or leaders of Hezbollah at the time. Because the Iranian ambassador was also injured in the pager explosion. In fact, two bodyguards were standing near Ambassador Amani when the explosion occurred. Maybe only one of them had a pager. When the pager exploded, one bodyguard tried to read the message on the pager after it beeped. Amani was standing in front. He suffered injuries to his head and face due to the explosion. It is reported that one of his eyes was injured in this explosion.

Pagers are manufactured in Budapest, Hungary.
After the explosion, when the finger was pointed at the Taiwanese company Gold Apollo, which produces pagers, the company also quickly clarified. The company said that the order for this pager was undoubtedly received by their company, but this pager was manufactured in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, a European country. According to the company, the company bank in Budapest had reached an agreement with the Taiwanese company a few years ago. She used to manufacture pagers, but only used the Gold Apollo brand. The Taiwanese company also stated in the clarification that between January 2022 and August 2024, a total of 200,000 60,000 pagers were sent outside Taiwan under the name of Gold Apollo. But all these pagers went to the United States and Australia. No pagers with model AP924 were sent to Lebanon or the Middle East.

Hezbollah did not investigate the pager manufacturing company!
This means that, according to the Taiwanese company, any tampering with the pagers took place in Budapest, not in Taiwan. According to sources, Mossad has good control in Budapest or Hungary as a European country. It is easier for him to tamper with the pagers in Budapest than in Taiwan. But the question here is, the same Hezbollah that broke or buried the phones out of fear of Mossad never checked the pagers after ordering such a large number of them?

A Hezbollah commander expressed doubts about the pager.
So according to the news from Lebanon, after the pagers were distributed among Hezbollah in April-May, a commander of Hezbollah had some doubts about the pagers. He was also investigating the matter. But the matter reached Mossad. It is said that the commander had died not long ago. Some people suspected that Mossad killed him. After that, no one raised any doubts about the pagers. Mossad also kept silent for about three to four months after the pagers were put into use. So that no one had any doubts. Then as soon as he saw the right opportunity, he activated the explosive information.

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