Hell Planet: A planet like hell was found… Mercury at 2000 degrees Celsius, molten iron particles in the air

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Scientists of the University of Geneva have discovered such a hellish planet, which they had not even imagined. The name of this planet is WASP-76B. The weather here is extremely bad. There is wind but it blows at a very fast speed. The amount of microscopic iron particles in the air is very high. The day temperature is 2000 degrees Celsius. That means you will freeze and melt.

The surprising thing is that this planet is tidally locked to its star. That is, it is connected. Like our moon. That is why strong winds keep blowing around it. The amount of iron particles in them is also high. These keep moving up and down in the atmosphere continuously. That is, there are layers of iron particles here. Due to high temperature, they keep melting and falling on the surface of this planet during the day.

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Hell Planet, Molten Iron Particles In Air
Particles of molten iron falling from fast moving hot winds.

This is an exoplanet. That is, an outer planet. Outer because it is not in our solar system. Since 1990, scientists have discovered 5200 such outer planets. Many of these are as big as Jupiter and Saturn. Some are rocky and some are like Earth. But it is not yet known whether they have habitable conditions or not.

It is about 640 light years away from Earth.

WASP-76b has attracted a lot of attention recently. It is an ultra-hot gas planet, about 640 light years away from our Earth. This planet, located towards the constellation Pisces, was discovered in the year 2013. It is being studied since then. Its orbit is very close to its host star. It completes one revolution around its star in just 1.8 days.

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Hell Planet, Molten Iron Particles In Air

The discovery of iron particles gave new information

One part of it always remains in light. The other part is in darkness. That is why the temperature reaches 2000 degrees Celsius during the day. Iron particles start floating in the air. But when it cools down at night, the iron particles fall from the air and settle on the ground. Recently, scientists from Geneva University discovered iron particles. It was published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

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