From a separate Prime Minister to its own Supreme Court, why does Pakistan still interfere in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir?

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The first phase of the assembly polls is going on in Jammu and Kashmir. Voters are excited about the local elections being held after a decade. Earlier in the general elections, Kashmir also voted in large numbers. The situation in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir is very miserable. They can neither participate in the general elections nor have any rights over their own institutions. It is said that Pakistan Occupied Kashmir has its own Prime Minister, President, and even its own Supreme Court, but all this is directly interfered by Pakistan.

What is Boke

It has two administrative units. One is Azad Kashmir. The second is Gilgit Baltistan. Pakistan considers Azad Kashmir as an autonomous region and claims that it does not seriously interfere in its politics or decision-making. Gilgit Baltistan has limited autonomy. One reason is that this area is very important from a strategic point of view. In addition, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor also passes through here, so it is necessary for Pakistan to directly control here.

Why Pakistan gave it so-called autonomy

India continues to press its claims, raising the issue of Pakistan’s illegal occupation of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Pakistan occupies it, but the people here neither adopt it nor can adopt it. He simply does not pay attention to the development here as it is a disputed area. Pakistan’s attitude towards this is similar to the attitude of a family member towards the encroachment of the land in front of their house. They occupy it but dare not build any permanent structure or fence. They know that they may be trapped somewhere in the future. So the situation of PoK has also become the same as the occupied land.

Situation in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Pakistani interference in elections in Jammu and Kashmir India Photo Getty Images

Pakistan technically separates it

Technically, the region Pakistan claims as PoK is not its territory but is independent. In Pakistan’s constitution, the country is divided into four parts: Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Azad Jammu and Kashmir is not included in them. It does not even have representation in Pakistan’s parliament.

Different government structures

Azad Kashmir, with an area of ​​over 13,000 km2 and a population of over 4 million, has the power to manage its internal affairs. The political structure there is different, with a separate Prime Minister and Parliament so that they can deal with local issues better. However, PoK constantly complains that only the Centre can decide who will be the Prime Minister or what decisions he will take. Muzaffarabad is the capital here. There is a Supreme Court, which consists of a Chief Justice and two other judges. Apart from this, there is also the High Court.

The government of Pakistan-controlled Kashmir operates under the Azad Kashmir Interim Constitution Act. But in reality, its government structure is powerless and dependent on Pakistan in every way. As such, Azad Kashmir is governed by a 14-member council controlled by Islamabad. Almost half of its members are from Pakistan, while only half are from Azad Kashmir. Their head is the Prime Minister. In this case, any decision taken by the Parliament must be reviewed by the Prime Minister.

Situation in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Pakistani interference in elections in Jammu and Kashmir India Photo Getty Images

Why can’t you participate in Pakistani elections?

Another problem with POK is that since it is a Special Administrative Region, people here cannot participate in the general elections held in Pakistan. Here we tell you that according to Article 1 of the Pakistani Constitution, people here cannot participate in the National Assembly since the Pakistan People’s Party is not a part of the country. Overall, even after giving the so-called independence to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, the Pakistani government has completely interfered in it.

Why the anger at Pakistan?

PoK is the part of Pakistan that has been used to train terrorists. Ajmal Kasab, the terrorist convicted for the Mumbai attacks, was trained in the capital, Muzaffarabad. It is alleged that the Pakistani government has not carried out any work here except building a terror factory. She provokes the locals, saying that their condition is caused by India. Creating and using the unemployed as militants.

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