Friendships on social media, trips abroad, and then life turned into hell… The Princess now only had three days left in Abu Dhabi!

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India’s daughter Princess is imprisoned in Abu Dhabi jail. He has been sentenced to death. But there is still a way to save the princess. He is involved in a fake murder case. The case is a case of murder of a 4-month-old child. Shahzadi, a resident of Banda district in UP, will be sentenced to death by shooting after September 20. But there is still a way to save the princess. Let us tell you the full story of this route.

The battle between life and death
The name of the prison in Abu Dhabi is Al-Wathba Jail. Al Wathba in Arabic means jump. Currently, a life-and-death jump war is taking place in this prison. There is less than a week left to decide whether this battle will be won or lost. Any day after September 20th can end the battle for the life of the Indian princess imprisoned in the prison. Or maybe her life can really be spared. But as the date gets closer, the princess’ life and hope of being spared are fading.

Every time the princess is deceived
If the princess’s life and hopes were really over, that would be the greatest injustice to the princess. She was deceived in love, deceived and brought to Abu Dhabi, deceived in the name of treatment in Abu Dhabi, sold to deceivers, deceived into becoming a maid, and then the same deception and deception made her a murderer. Now in such a situation, in the midst of so much deception, if an innocent princess is shot and sentenced to death, what kind of justice will this be?

The princess wants to have plastic surgery
Yes, this is the princess from the same Banda district of UP, who was sent to Abu Dhabi on December 19, 2021. What was sent, was sold. And fell into the hands of her own lover Uzair. When the princess was eight years old, boiling water from the kitchen stove was poured on her face. The face and some parts of the body were burned. But the princess did not lose her courage. Even after this, she completed her education, passed the college and joined an NGO called Roti Bank to help the poor and destitute. The princess had only one dream: to make a lot of money and have a facelift through plastic surgery.

Meet Uzair on social media
She was committed to this work. Then 2020 came, and the same year brought the COVID-19 pandemic. Corona kept everyone at home. In this limited world, Shehzadi met Uzair, a resident of Agra, on social media through her mobile phone. Uzair agreed to adopt the princess with a scar on her face.

Uzair has sent the princess to Abu Dhabi
Then in 2021, Uzair convinced the princess to go to Abu Dhabi in the name of washing her face. The princess arrived in Abu Dhabi with about 90,000 rupees and some jewelry. Uzair sent him to his uncle and aunt’s house in Abu Dhabi. Aunt Nazia was a professor at Al Nahyan University in Abu Dhabi. After going there, the princess realized for the first time about Uzair and his infidelity.

Used to hold the princess hostage to do housework
In fact, Nazia had given birth to a child. His family needed a maid. Nazia told this to Uzair, who lived in Agra, and Uzair deceived the princess and sent her to her aunt’s house as a maid for about 150,000 rupees. The princess was well educated. Within a few days, he understood the truth. Now she wanted to do her own job. So that she could earn money and also have a plastic surgery. She repeatedly asked Nazia to allow her to work outside. But Nazia did not want to stay with such a cheap maid.

4-month-old baby dies after vaccination
Meanwhile, an accident occurred at Nazia’s home. Nazia’s four-month-old baby was vaccinated on December 6, 2022. But he died a few hours after the vaccination. Nazia and her husband accused the hospital of negligence. The hospital staff requested an autopsy to reveal the truth. But Nazia and her husband were not ready for the autopsy and buried the child’s body.

The video was made by getting the princess naked
Some time after the death of the child, the princess started insisting on returning to India. But the passport was in the hands of Nazia and her husband. On February 10, 2023, exactly 54 days after the death of the child, Nazia beat the princess severely, stripped her clothes, and shot her with a mobile phone while she was naked. Thereafter, he threatened her to confess that he had strangled her four-month-old child. If she did not confess to the crime, the video would be sent to her acquaintances in UP to defame her.

This is how the princess was sentenced to death
After being severely tortured, the princess said in the video that it was he who killed her child. After some time, Nazia and her husband took the princess in the car on the pretext of taking her to the airport and stopped the car at a police station on the way. In the same video shown to the police, the princess was talking about killing the child, and this is how the princess was caught. The trial took place in the Abu Dhabi Lower Court and the Supreme Court. Both courts found him guilty. And sentenced him to death. The princess is currently being held in Wasba Prison in Abu Dhabi. One day, the man called his family from prison and told them the whole story. Then for the first time, it was reported that the princess could be sentenced to death any time after September 20.

UAE courts show negligence
However, in this case, both courts overlooked many important things. For example, if Nazia and her husband suspected that their child was murdered, then why didn’t they conduct an autopsy even when the hospital requested it? How did Nazia know how her child died, 54 days after the child’s death? If the court wanted to know what the actual cause of the child’s death was, it would have been easy to find out. The child’s body was buried in Abu Dhabi itself. The cause of death could still be determined by exhuming the body from the grave and conducting an autopsy. But that didn’t happen. Not only that, the poor princess couldn’t even find a suitable lawyer to represent her.

The princess’ life can still be saved
Now the question is, there is only one week left. So can the execution of the princess be forgiven? Or it can be stopped. So the answer is, it will definitely happen. The life of the princess can still be saved. Now looking at the game of fate, if anyone can save the life of the Indian princess, then there is only one family in India. That is the Nazia family from Agra, living in Abu Dhabi. The life of the princess can be saved if Nazia wants. How? Let me tell you the complete method.

SP Singh Oberoi saved many lives
SP Singh Oberoi lives in Dubai. A resident of Punjab, Oberoi is a big businessman in Dubai. The owner of Apex Group of Companies. Apart from his companies, he is also a well-known social worker. Sarbat runs a trust called the Bala Charitable Trust. In 2010, SP Singh Oberoi’s life completely changed when he got the news that 17 Indians were sentenced to death for murdering a Pakistani citizen during a brawl in Sharjah. He provided $2.2 million (about Rs. 18 crore) from his own pocket as blood money to the family of the Pakistani citizen to defend the case and save all the Indians from the death penalty.

An apology or hard-earned money can save a life
SP Singh said the princess can still be spared the death penalty. According to UAE law, if the child’s parents, namely Nazia and her husband, forgive the princess. This apology can be of two types. One is that he should forgive the princess outright, and the second is that he should take blood money in exchange for forgiveness. That is, he will agree to forgive the princess in the amount after taking it.

142 lives were saved by obtaining hard-earned money.
SP Singh’s trust in the UAE has so far saved the lives of 142 death row inmates by providing them with their hard-earned money. Of these 142 people, 82 are Indians. Apart from these 28 Pakistanis. Apart from India and Pakistan, SP Singh has also provided hard-earned money to many people in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Philippines through his trust, saving them from the clutches of death.

Yusuf Ali saved Charavati Krishnan’s life by donating blood.
Now let’s talk about Charaivati ​​Krishnan Beck. Charaivati ​​was a driver in Abu Dhabi. In September 2012, a Sudanese child was crushed to death by Charaivati’s car. Charaivati, a resident of Kerala, was sentenced to death for this. Subsequently, Charaivathi’s family, who lived in Kerala, asked MA Yusuf Ali, a big businessman in Kerala and chairman of Lulu Group, to save Charaivathi’s life. After the child’s death, the family returned to Sudan. Yusuf Ali contacted the child’s family through efforts and brought him to Abu Dhabi. Explained to them and finally convinced them with blood money. Yusuf Ali offered 500,000 dirhams, which is about 1.25 billion rupees, to the child’s parents as blood money. Thereafter, in June 2021, Charaivati ​​was released after serving nine years in prison and returned to his home in Kerala.

Hard-earned money can save lives, according to Islamic law
Actually, in the UAE, Sharia law is in place in Sharjah and Abu Dhabi. Not in Dubai. According to Sharia law, a death row inmate can be spared from death by paying a fixed amount of blood money to the family of the deceased. But for this, the family of the victim, with or without blood money, must forgive the murderer. Only he has the right to forgive. Like in the case of the princess, if anyone can save the princess from death, it is Nazia and her husband. Because both of them accused the princess of murdering their son. SP Singh Oberoi said that if the matter requires blood money to save the princess, then his organization can also help. Meanwhile, Arab Times also called on the UAE government to have mercy on the princess. Arab Times also stated in the appeal that the princess is a victim of fraud and human trafficking.

(With inputs from Siddharth Gupta of Banda)

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