Fed up with this question, ‘Why didn’t you marry…’, a man became a murderer, murdered his neighbour.

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In the tone of our conversation, there are many such formal questions which we unknowingly ask each other, like in the beginning of acquaintance with a stranger in the train, we need to know the name, job, city and whether you are married or not. No. Every person must have faced this question somewhere in office, train or life. If the answer to this question is ‘yes’, then the matter goes further; If it is ‘no’, then the question remains ‘why did you not get married’.

Can you imagine a person who becomes so sad and angry with this question that he even murders the person asking the question? A similar shocking case has come to light in Indonesia, which has become a topic of discussion on social media.

‘Why didn’t you get married’? This question became the reason for crime.

According to the Straits Times report, a shocking incident happened on the night of July 29 in South Tapanuli province of Indonesia, which surprised the local people. 45 year old Parlindungan Sirgar brutally murdered his 60 year old neighbor Asagim Irianto. The reason for the incident was so simple that no one could even imagine – a simple question ‘Why are you not married’.

On July 29, at around 8 pm, Paralindungan Sirgar Asgim reached Irianto’s house with a piece of wood in his hand. They attacked Asagim without any warning. Due to this unexpected attack, Asagim ran away on the road but Parlindungan chased him and hit him hard on the head. This attack took the life of Asagim.

The man was fed up with the question of marriage

During interrogation, Parlindungan revealed that he was angry with Asgim repeatedly asking questions about marriage. He did not like this joke and decided to kill Asagim. The police investigating this case said that the reason behind this brutal attack was that Asgim repeatedly jokingly asked Parlindungan why she was not married yet.

This crime became a topic of debate in Indonesia

This incident has created panic throughout Indonesia. It has also raised the question whether the impact of our words can be so deep that they bring someone to the brink of crime? Do we ever think how sensitive our questions can be for someone? And can our words ever hurt so deeply that their consequences can be so serious? This incident has forced people to think about how even simple social interactions can lead to deep tensions and disputes.

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